White Christmas in Georgia

We have had enough snow on Christmas Day to stick! Two inches where we are! For the first time in … ever! It truly is an ill wind that blows no one good!

Actually, for the first time since 1973, the Christmas I was 4. That year, I made a snowman, I had a wonderful new baby sister, and Santa came to my house - in a horse-drawn sleigh, no less! (Actually, my Uncle Ralph, in a tobacco sledge, and who knows where he got the horse! But it was magical.)

Down here in coastal Georgia, no snow yet, but it may be on its way…

We missed having one by just a few hours here. What a waste. If we had to have all of this crap come down on us, at the very least it could have happened at a time that would’ve generated some warm fuzziness.

Royston GA, my parents’ backyard, taken yesterday morning.

Good times :slight_smile: