I'm back from Helen, GA!!

We spent the holiday up there…and Friday night, it snowed! Real honest to goodness snow on the ground! Quite a thrill for this Florida gal!

We came back from a day of shopping and watching them light the Christmas tree downtown on Friday, and it was snowing just a tiny bit. Then, about an hour later, my BIL called from the other cabin to tell us it was coming down hard.

My kids run out in their pajamas and coats to have a snowball fight. My 14-year-old son comes running into the cabin screaming, “I made a snowman!” as he’s holding this little snowman in the palm of his hands. Ivylad wouldn’t let them out on the deck off our bedroom, and Saturday morning there was still enough snow for me to make a snow angel on the deck.

So we shopped, ate bratwurst and drank Mexican hot chocolate, and hiked up to Anna Ruby falls. We got stuck in traffic Wed afternoon going up there skirting Atlanta, and got stuck in traffic coming home Sunday night around Gainesville. My SIL, bless her heart, cooked a full Thanksgiving meal for 14 people in a kitchen about the size of my closet. When you opened her fridge, you couldn’t get to the stove. When you opened the oven, you couldn’t get to the cabinets. The silverware drawer was on the other side, so you had to walk around the counter to get a spoon.

We had a blast.