This doesn’t seem important enough to see a doctor about, but I have a sore throat, and a stomach ache. And I’ve been attributing both to acid reflux. But I recently developed a weird sensitive bump on the back of my gum, and I went to look at it with some mirrors and a bright light. It’s a couple millimeters, both diameter and how far it’s raised off the surface, and white. And I noticed some white spots (maybe sunken) on my tonsils, as well. and maybe some other spots further back.
Any idea what this is? Could it explain my stomach ache, too? Any chance it’s contagious? Might it be serious enough to contact my doctor?
Given that Googling "white spots on tonsils gives you this, White spots on tonsils are usually caused by pus, and they tend to appear with bacterial infections like strep throat. White spots can also appear with viral infections, such as mononucleosis or cytomegalovirus.
I’m gonna go with yes.
A personal experience,
I had a bunch of minor symptoms that I could have continued to wait and hope they just went away. I didn’t, I went to the ER. Had I not made that decision I would have gone into respiratory arrest at home and died instead of in the MICU where they called a Code Blue and kept me alive.
Easy ‘rule of thumb’,
Don’t think about what you want to do, think about what you’d say/do if someone you cared about had the same symptoms.
Good golly, sister, get yourself to an urgent care facility tout de suite! You’ve got a lot of symptoms that could indicate something serious. Pay heed to @crowmanyclouds’ experience, please!
Yeah. I’ve had a lot of strep, and this is WAY milder than any strep I’ve ever had. No fever, only a few spots, most of the throat okay. But I’m going mostly just in case it IS strep, because that’s worth treating.
I’m glad you decided to err on the side of caution. As you’ve mentioned you’re prone to strep, and it sounds a lot like you’ve got strep again, no sense wasting time getting treatment. Hope it goes well and fast!
The nurse says i look fine. Very small spots aren’t uncommon, and she’s quite sure it’s not strep. I asked her to run the test anyway, since it’s fast and cheap, so she did. She just told me to “entertain yourself” while she waits for it to run, so I figured I’d give you a real time update.