Who are the Raelians?

What do we know about these folks? How did they get started? What do they believe?


Well, their official page won’t load, but you can check out what the University of Virginia has to say about them here. Essentially, they believe that live on Earth was started by aliens using cloning technology, and that we should be using the technology to create the ultimate human.

They are a cult from the Eastern Townships of Quebec. Their leader believes that he was abducted by aliens, and that they told him to truth about how we are all descended from aliens (while speaking perfect French, of course). They actually have a theme park near Valcourt called UFO Land. I have never been, and never intend to go there, depite it being very close to my home. The URL is www.ufoland.com, if you care to visit it online. There’s a popup that says the park is closed now…I’m not surprised.

They are the kooks who will be eating their words soon if they don’t pony up some evidence.

You gotta love the wackiness of their attention-seeking, though.

Thanks guys!


The thing that gets me is their clone baby claim. Its almost certainly a lie as they have made the same claim in the 70’s, but it had the affect of throwing their group into the spotlight. Now people ask about it on message boards and the like…how many new recruits did they get because of this?

They are most certainly a genetic experiment that failed.

Aliens told me that they tried to cross Bozo the Clown with the Marx Brothers and ended up with these guys. The only reason the aliens let them live was for entertainment purposes.