I absolutely hate Bobby Flay because of his overinflated (and constantly puffed by The Food Network) ego, but manage to generally avoid him on The Food Network and The Cooking Channel. Now when I’m flipping channels or tuned in to one of the network’s shows, I’m suddenly faced with his mug. And it’s made worse by being the same promo over and over! I don’t know if there’s different length promos. I generally switch channels as soon a I see it, but last night what I thought was a short tip about shredding apples continued on for several minutes into a full-fledged segment.
There’s also a promo with Carla Hall, whose eyes freak me out! I can tolerate her as a judge because I look away when she’s onscreen, but get genuinely jarred when she suddenly appears unexpectedly onscreen. Even promos with people I generally like, like Amanda Freitag are annoying when it’s the same thing over and over.