In about a year and a half I’ve reported maybe 4 posts, and two of them today. Am I over the top here? What line does somebody need to cross before YOU’ll report them?
The first one was, “Target snubs vets.” An email cut and pasted with no attribution, no acknowledgement whatsoever that the source was anyone other than the moron who posted it. I think, based on the other replies, and the eventual intercession of Lynn, that it was an appropriate thing to report.
So did I go too far here? Do I owe an apology to Philoshr? I don’t like the idea of anonymous snitching; if I had thought reporting it before I posted my reply, I would have mentioned it in my post.
Personally, I feel there are way too many stirred up Members posting appalling things about this war, and the folks on the other side of the fence from them. We don’t need bullshit troll titles like this stirring up any more emotions.
Then again, maybe it’s MY emotions that are overly stirred up. So tell me why you would report someone, and whether I should have done this.
I know it’s a poll, but it is about the administration of the boards.
I’m with Guin on this one, although I will say I have only ever reported one post to the mods and I’m not sure, but I think that sticky in the pit about wishing death on people could have been a direct consequence…
Here’s a recent thread on the subject. But I believe Guin is right about not saying that you reported specific posts. I’m sure they’ll be in soon enough with an official word.
How the hell did this end up in the Pit? I know it was in ATMB when I started my post below.
Anyway, to complete my thought - I think you’re reaction in IMHO was over the top. It’s IMHO, after all. Also, you’re not supposed to publicly accuse people of trolling, which is what you’re doing in this thread.
As for the pit thread, I personally wouldn’t have reported it, but it’s borderline, I suppose.
Whoops, sorry about that, Boyo Jim. Your last post wasn’t there when I started mine (I was off looking at other threads while composing this one), or I wouldn’t have posted it.
No prob. Btw, we do appreciate a heads-up on potentially troublesome stuff, though we ask that you not say you’ve done so publicly. It saves on keeping ill-will among poster down to a minimum. Give us a chance to look things over and we’ll take it from there.