Who here has a LiveJournal?

Hi, I’m new, so please go easy on me!

I found the Straight Dope Message Board thru LiveJournal, and I was curious who had journals here?

I don’t have one, I just read, so someone else will have to go first!

I do, because, ya know, there are just not enough reasons to be on line…


Most folks who are members Here also hang out here…

Just in case some of them miss this thread or don’t raise their hands.

Me. I do. Me.

now… do you want to know my username… tis not the same.

I have one, it’s mostly for my daily attention whoring.

I do. Almost no one reads it, but it’s there. Or here actually http://www.livejournal.com/users/elfkin477/

I have a live journal. I am “nyctea.” I actually hardly ever post in my LJ though, so don’t expect much! :wink:

I have seen nyctea’s journal, and it’s true - she hardly ever posts there.

I have one but it is truly the most pitiful sight imaginable.

I’m there… Usually it’s the Dopers who get sucked to LJ; good to see it goes both ways.

My LJ is on my page, linked in my sig below. And welcome to the Dope.

I’m on LJ. No one ever reads it but me, I suspect.



I’ve lost interest in it for the most part and rarely update anymore though.

I took a stab at keeping a journal in Japanese (a language I am learning very, very slowly). And have all of two entries, one in very bad Japanese. I’m not gonna link ‘cause anyone who actually knows Japanese would make major fun of me. I do follow all the gossip at the SDMB and the SDMB_Anonymous Communities tho’…

I’ve got myself one, too. I probably post more there than I do here (although I keep about half of my entries ‘friends only’ because I’m paranoid that someone like my mom will find it–she’s a clever one, that mom of mine).

I have one, username liirogue

Welcome to the SDMB Pluto’s_cat

I have one that nobody here (save two or three) reads.

Username: ravenclawizard

I have one at http://www.livejournal.com/users/hpl/, but don’t expect anything deep on my LJ. I mainly use it to post interesting things I discover on the web.

I have one, my user name is timeliketears. Nothing much there, yet, but who knows what will happen to me tomorrow?

I have one, and I’m in the SDMB community there. My name is different.

I’ve got one, with the same user name. It’s way too addictive, especially the SDMB community.