Title basically says it all, I’m a newbie here at Dope, so tell me if there is anyone I should look out for.
Lounetold me to post this thread and to prepare for hilarity to ensue.
Work is boring today, so perhaps you will entertain me?
Title basically says it all, I’m a newbie here at Dope, so tell me if there is anyone I should look out for.
Lounetold me to post this thread and to prepare for hilarity to ensue.
Work is boring today, so perhaps you will entertain me?
What am I? A trained monkey? I don’t dance on request.
But, if you brought the pie…
You did bring pie right?
Ya better look out for Penis. I mean, you know, if the ensuing thing bothers you and all. Other than that, maybe Nicole Ritchie. Bitch can’t drive for shit.
You should beware of SDMB in-jokes.
But I won’t tell you what they are.
We are all wonderful, intelligent individuals without purpose or direction.
Welcome. If you’ll just leave the chocolate, I’ll see that it gets to the proper person. Someone will be along with the goat soon enough
Your user-name is confusingly similar to your friend’s. Those of us who don’t know either of you IRL will have trouble telling you apart. May I suggest you pick another one, something that is more original, more memorable, and more reflective of you?
Gee, that wasn’t very entertaining . . . …
Well of course LOUNE would get you to ask that. Anything to draw attention away from the fact that it is he you should watch out for. He is crafty indeed, and his charming, wily ways can lull you into a false sense of security, but make no mistake, he is one you need to keep all three eyes trained on at all times. He hides in plain sight. This just makes him all the more devious. Just ask him about the incident with the old matron lady, the bicycle pump, and the carrot. Ask him, and watch his eyes very carefully as he denies all knowledge of any such thing; look for the tell: his eyes wiggle back and forth several times as if recoiling from a sharp blow to the head.
Oh yes, LOUNE, we know. We know.
Big Seconded.
As I say, watch your tailpipe.
I don’t think watching out for anyone will help. When “they” want you, they get you.
Using implements and/or animals of their choice.
shifty eyes
She was asking for it, Mindfield. You know better than most. You were the one chewing on the carrot.
I heard it’s the quiet ones you should look out for.
Oh, don’t go trying to insinuate me into that mess again. It was my lunch! Or part of it anyway. Then you came streaking by with this octogenarian in tow, barely able to keep her legs under her, and grabbed my carrot right from my hand with a “Yoink!” Then you disappeared into the supply closet.
I still bring my own pens and post-its from home since then. ::shudder::
Hal Briston is my favourite doper, if you want to be amused and entertained, look out for him - he doesn’t know that he is my favourite and probably doesn’t know I even exist…sniff…he’ll probably notice you, you’re probably waaaay cooler than me…
You don’t have to worry about me. I’m the sweet and innocent one in this bunch.
What are you all looking at me that way for?
Actually, I confused MCUNE with Mouse_Maven on…errr, mouseover.
What’s your first name? Al?
Well, that’s what I liked best about her! She couldn’t kep her legs under her! They went over my shoulder, where they belonged!
You vigorously gnawed on that carrot like you were getting paid to, son! I think you even referred to it as an “orange plug”.
Yeah, I just went too far.
Whatever you do, don’t get DudleyGarrett going in a tipping thread.
In spite of all the above, the people we really have to watch out for around here aren’t the humans; they’re the cats.
You think we post all those kitten threads by choice??