Who is Earl?

I never thought about it until a friend I had told about the Straight Dope website asked me and I had no idea:

Who is Earl? Why is he weird? And what great deed did he do to earn a spot on the front page of the Straight Dope website? Slay a mighty dragon? Spike Marilyn Von Savant’s coffee with Ex Lax?

I need to know. We ALL need to know.

Here’s a WAG: “Earl” is really “URL”, as in the web site addresses used.

So “Weird Earl’s” is actually “Weird URLs”.

Now, what I wanna know is why there’s suddenly a whole bunch of Dopers named Earl (something). I saw at least three today.

I never caught the Earl/url connection. Your WAG makes a heck of a lot of sense, thanks IceWolf.

Anyone in the know going to answer my question?


Don’t make me start calling on you!

::searching frantically for the seating chart::

Ice Wolf’s WAG is spot on.

Thanks, CK Dexter Haven. I will be able to sleep better tonight.