Who is sending Bombs?

I’d classify it as stochastic terrorism: you get a whole bunch of people to hate on some other particular people, and if you’re lucky, a few of the folks you’ve riled up will be sufficiently riled up to take out your targets for you.

a McVeigh type and probably from a place like northern Idaho where many of those people tend to live.

They’ve been caught dead to rights cheering on Trump as he solicits violence at his rallies.

So they desperately need to slither away from their own culpability in ginning up savagery. ‘Blaming the left’ instead of taking responsibility for their own actions: par for the course.

Whoever it is, they’re an idiot. Obama and Clinton are moronic targets for assassination.

Was Hannity out sick today?

Of course! Adolph Hitler!!


Seriously, let’s hope this birdbrain gets nabbed before one of his devices gets through and does someone grievous bodily harm.

If it was a left-wing false flag, they would send bombs to the big three: Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi. Only a true believer is going to try to pin it on Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

There’s some talk that all involved, except maybe W-S, are the targets of a Trump/Putin “Clinton & Russia” conspiracy theory that Russian bots have been hitting hard in recent weeks. (Seth Abramson has been tweeting about it: https://twitter.com/SethAbramson/status/1055160129832804357

So if you see Fox News talking heads hinting that Hillary was behind this along with her best buddy Vladimir Putin, then you’ll know which particular CT is being pushed.

The idea is that Trump and Trump associates never ever had anything to do with Russian money or Russian social-media support or Russian hacking of election systems—it was all HILLARY who was pushing the “Pope Endorses Trump” stories and the like. For, er, reasons.

And HILLARY would be sending bombs to herself and other people that Trump continually vilifies at his rallies as a way to, er, …something or other. Because she and Putin are in cahoots! Yeah, that’s the ticket!

It’s all deeply anti-rationality.

The sequence of events:

  1. Trump: “Democrats will stop at nothing to run your lives, run down your values, and ransack our nation’s wealth.” They want to “abolish ICE and support sanctuary cities and open borders.”
    Trump rallies in West Virginia

According to Trump, in fact, Democrats are just crazy:

Multiply the above by about 10,000 – for every tweet and every rally that repeats it.

Result: Random lunatic(s) send(s) bombs to Clinton, Obama, other prominent Democrats, and George Soros.

  1. Trump: “Fake news media [naming all four major news networks] is the enemy of the American people”
    Trump: Media Is ‘Enemy of the American People’

Result: Random lunatic(s) send(s) bombs to CNN.

  1. Trump [Reciting an obvious prepared statement]: “Political violence has no place in America.”

Result: Laughter.

I wouldn’t put it on Idaho, these crazy peeps are allover. Even in S. Arkansas. Oh, stop, I realize I live in a reddish state.

Step 3: Profit!

Even whackadoos have a political orientation.

See, it’s brilliant. A right winger does this knowing that everyone will think a right winger did it, and everything would be all wrapped up in a neat little package. So really smart people would figure out that it would really have to be a left winger doing it just to make you think that a right winger did it. See how it works? :slight_smile:

But what they REALLY don’t want you to know what that it was a left winger all along! Hah!

And if you thought that, you would have fallen right in their trap, because a right winger made you think that the left winger did it when he did it all along!

It really couldn’t be simpler, folks.

Yeah, there are people working on that. We are posters on a message board, so we can talk about other stuff.

This reminds me of sports fans talking before a game saying things like, “Let’s stop talking about the Super Bowl! We have to get past this team first!” Sure, the actual team has to think that, but we are fans drinking beer and eating hot dogs. We can do what we want.


At this point they might just as well make the slogan for the Trumpublican Party: “All those mean old 3-digit IQ people making you feel bad? Join us! Our hard ceiling for members–85–will let you feel right at home!”

My only niggling feeling in the back of my brain is that I can’t rule out that it could be a psychotic Trump hater running his own little misguided operation - which would suck - but I put the odds of that at about 1%. All clues point to a MAGA asshole.

Edit - or possibly assoles

But… her emails!

When Trump said, with apparent seriousness, that

First, I checked multiple sources, because it didn’t sound like Trump at all. Then I started wondering if he had set the whole thing up, because this is what his presidency has reduced me to. I honestly cannot imagine why Trump gives two fuzzy rats’ asses about political violence directed at Democrats. He has shown no signs of this before. Why now?

Again (and half serious now), isn’t that all of the more reason for a Trump hater to do this? You only give it a 1% chance that the Trump hater did it and believe that all signs point away from him! What misdirection! Genius!

Well, sure - but assuming a false flag operation by either side without more evidence is quite a stretch. It’s “who shot Kennedy?”-land. Conspiracies do happen, but they are almost always the least likely explanation. Occam’s Razor in this case would point more in the direction of an incompetent and rather stupid right-wing whackadoo.

RTFirefly’s point about “stochastic assassination” is more on point I think, just because breathing fire can indeed have these sort of unintended consequences. But I do think they’re generally unintended - I really don’t think many of any party are deliberately trying to rile folks up to kill their opponents. That creates martyrs. Bad politics.

They just like throwing red meat( like for example accusations of false flag operations :cool: )because it helps ratings and gets votes. They’re shocked, shocked I tell you, when violence results :rolleyes:.

ETA: If it IS a false flag operation on any side, I almost guarantee the person involved is a lone or almost lone moron. A whackadoo of a different stripe who just thinks they are being clever.

My estimations are colored by my sincere belief that there orders of magnitude more psychotic Trump supporters than there are psychotic Trump haters.

Wow. Okay, I get that you are not a Trump fan. That’s fine. Not a problem.

But where do you get the idea that Trump, Clinton, Ryan, Pelosi or anyone would not be opposed to what happened today?

I mean, do you and others on your side truly believe that Trump is that cartoonishly evil?