I’m not talking about the new Arnie, or Sly, in which case you could opt for The Rock or Vin Diesel; I’m talking about a current day action star of mostly straight-to-video clag, who still has a career, somehow. The first guy that sprung to mind was Mark Dacascos, but he’s actually pretty good. I mean someone awful.
I nominate Oliver Grunier.
Sorry about the typo. Olivier Grunier.
Another nominee: Jeff Speakman.
Are you also looking for someone who releases awful albums a la Seagal’s Songs From The Crystal Cave?
I was thinking the same thing.
I think Dacascos is more like the new Van Damme. I’ll second Jason Statham as the new Segal. I enjoyed him in Snatch, as to some extent Ghosts of Mars, but The Transporter is the worst movie ever made, and it’s sequel is coming out in just a few weeks. Why didn’t Besson write a sequel to The Fifth Element, or better yet The Professional. I’m sure now that Natalie is all grown up, she could helm the sequel. That would rock.
When I saw the thread I had a feeling someone would bring up Statham. I don’t know if it’s a fair comparison. Statham hasn’t been a headliner in that many movies. I haven’t seen all his movies, but he hasn’t really been the star of anything other than The Transporter, which actually had some good action scenes, even if the script was poorly written. Plus, I think anyone that would qualify as the “new” Segal would need to have a hairstyle capable of matching Segal’s embarrassing balding-pony-tail look.
Yeah, I didnt have Jason Statham in mind at all… He isnt really a leading man yet, and most of his movies get a theatrical release, at least. Plus he seems to be a likeable enough sort of chap… With no hair to speak of.
Just pick the latest washed up Rap star.
Stratham is infinitely more charismatic thant Seagal… but it’s a fair comparison. Strathman may not have been the lead in that many movies but his career is FAR from over.
Even though I’ve seen it with my own eyes, and heard it with my own ears, I still cannot believe what I am about to report.
Several years ago (more than 5, less than 8) I actually saw a trailer for a movie that labelled Dacascos as “The Van Damme of the mid-nineteen-nineties”.
So his ship has apparently already sailed.
I can’t believe I’m hearing this. Jason Statham is AWESOME. He ought to be a headliner by now. Aside from The Transporter (which is one of the best non-superhero action movies of the last five years or so), he’s had excellent roles in very good ensemble casts: Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, and The Italian Job. He’s actually a decent actor (unlike Seagal and Van Damme) with excellent comic timing, and he’s a lifelong martial artist who is in excellent physical condition. Don’t write this guy off – I’d say he and The Rock are the best up-and-coming action movie stars out there right now, and both are far better, more talented, and more charismatic than Vin Diesel.
Lou, I thought you liked Vin Diesel! Ouch!
Yeah, I think he’s great too. He was also cool in Mean Machine. A remake of The Longest Yard, but set in England and with soccer instead of American football.
He was great in *Boiler Room * (where he actually ACTS!) and Pitch Black (where he first adopts his “badass” persona), but I wasn’t overly fond of the first Fast and the Furious or xXx. I just prefer Statham and The Rock in similar action movie roles – but I was never a big Arnold or Stallone fan either.
You forgot to mention The Pacifier, which was a cinematic tour de forc–BWAHAHAHAH sorry I couldn’t keep it together.
To fall into Seagal or Van Damme category they have to be walking parodies of themselves. Making films in which the unintentional comedy is off the scale. I can’t think of anyone except Jackie Chan which could compare.
I know Jackie Chan has a pretty solid following from his early Chinese films, but his American movie performances are solidly in late Seagal category.
I know Chan has been watchable on occasion, but Seagal did have Under Siege and Out for Justice.
To lump Jason Statham into this discussion is ridiculous. The guy can act and typically manages to be likable and funny. I see no likelyhood of him becoming so full of himself that he can’t even be considered part of this society anymore…
I think you have it backwards. Jackie’s had a few unwatchable American movies (The Tuxedo and Around the World in 80 Days come to mind), but for the most part, his American movies have been quite enjoyable.