I believe this song was sung in “Breakfast at Tiffanys”. It was sung by a woman. Who was it?
According to the IMDB, it was sung by Audrey Hepburn.
Wasn’t it really Marnie Nixon?
(Not really, but you can see why the producers of My Fair Lady were not interested in Hepburn doing her own singing when you hear her weak twittering of “Moon River.”)
In addition to Hepburn’s performance (which wasn’t as bad as dropzone would have you believe) the song was also performed (and made a hit) by Andy Williams.
[Nelson Muntz]
“I didn’t think he was going to sing it, and then BAM! Third encore!”
[/Nelson Muntz]
Lyrics by Johnny Mercer, music by Henry Mancini, the song won the Oscar for best song of 1961.
EVERYbody’s sung that, but Williams had the first and biggest hit with it. (Trivia: Andy Williams dubbed Lauren Bacall’s singing voice in . . . some movie.)
To Have and Have Not, though that tidbit is disputed by some.
“MR” was actually sung twice in B@T, once by AH and once by a studio chorus (IIRC). Mancini won an Oscar that year for the score of the film as well.
Andy Williams has the most recognizable version of the song (for me, anyway).
I kinda like the version they played at the dance in Born on the Fourth of July.
That version’s on the soundtrack for the movie, and it’s a good one.
I’ll always be partial to Audrey’s version, myself… but then, I’m rather partial to Audrey.
Morrissey, of all people, actually turned in an interesting cover of this song a few years back.
I like Sinatra’s version.
the afghan whigs do a nice rendition of it.
Current information was that Williams was hired to do so, and was on the set, but that they ended up not using his ersion.
Well, they should have. Bacall had the worst singing voice. “She was a sad, sad sister…” Argghh…
BTW, Hepburn’s own voice is used in “My Fair Lady” at the beginnig and end of “Just You Wait, 'Enry 'Iggins”.
Same here.
In fact, originally the studio heads wanted to cut the song out of the movie, and Audrey stood up and said, “Over my dead body.” The song stayed.
When she died, Tiffanys put memorial cards in their windows saying, “Audrey Hepburn: Our Huckleberry Friend”, and the dates.
sniff Now I have to go listen to it. Audrey didn’t have a singer’s voice, but she could carry a tune, and she sounds so sad and wistful…
Two drifters off to the see the world…
Oh…I dare, baby.