As long as they’re on a roll, why stop now? Who’s next?
Fucking war mongers.
As long as they’re on a roll, why stop now? Who’s next?
Fucking war mongers.
That’s easy to say halfway across the world where nobody is strapping bombs to their chests in your neighborhood and killing randomly and indiscriminately.
I can’t find it in my heart to feel bad about the demise of a notorious terrorist leader, nor the impending demise of his organization. The only people I do feel bad about are the innocent people who get killed because these cowards won’t step out into the light to get hammered down.
What! Are you out of your fucking mind Airman? Everybody and his uncle Bob knows Israel isn’t supposed to do anything except hold hands and get blown to smithereens on their way to school, let alone removing someone who hasn’t done anything worse than murdering]women, children (and babies).
Anyway back to the OP. I think there’re a fair number of leaders and members of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hitzbolla, Al-Aqsa martyrs, Islamic goat-fucking Jihad martyrs and what have you not that would better off pushing daisies. And if Israel could get their hands on Bin Laden or that talli-Omar dude – that’d be just swell. Beyond that, how about Britney Spears? You think Israel would be so good as to deal with her if we asked really nice? – hell, I’d beg! Or perhaps Michael fucking Moore? How about spammers and telephone salesmen? Webpages with pop-ups? Or that girl in 1985 who wouldn’t sleep with me.
ps. ccwaterback you are a fucking moron.
Can I put in an order for Celine Dion?
As long as they are hellbent on wiping out murdering pricks, Sharon would make a good target.
I would have moved on to that huge throng of mouth-breathing, masked, gun waving, Islamic-militant asswipes that I saw jumping around on CNN last night. A lot of bang for your buck there, methinks.
But that’s just me.
Arafat. I have him as a pick in the Celebrity Death Pool, and I still have a big, fat goose egg.
Actually, any of my picks ought to do.
US or Israel kills people = GOOD
Any other country kills people = BAD
See, I can be an American propaganda robot too.
What are your thoughts on the US trying to off Osama?
Allow me to correct you.
US or Israel kill people who kill people = GOOD
Last time I checked, the Taliban, AQ, or Hamas was not a country.
Your robot imitating skills are flawless.
Yes, but he sounds like his software has gone all bad on him. He must be running on NT.
Having just seen Starsky and Hutch I would have to say Ben Stiller and the blond moron who played the blond moron. {My 9 year old wanted to see the movie…gimme a break}
Oh, and Celine Dion. And 2 of the 3 Dixie Chicks. And the guy down the street who uses his lawn mower at 8 am on Sundays. And…
I agree. So, run, don’t walk, and let your Government in on the news.
Could have saved quite a few thousand innocent lives with that bit of info.
To clarify, that can be any two of the three Dixie Chicks. I am just curious to see if the remaining Chick would tour as The Surviving Dixie Chick.
I vote for the entire staff of, serveral of my co-workers, and the OP.
Perhaps I’m a bit dense today, but I don’t follow you here.
Maybe they can try & assassinate the pres of the US & make it look like Iraq was behind it…again.
Or maybe they had just better clean up the Judean People’s Front…or is it The People’s Font of Judea…or maybe the Popular People’s Front…or…
This is war-mongering how again? Oh, yeah, whew… I almost let logic get the better of my knee-jerk anti-Israeli sentiment again. Its NOT cool because it was a palestinian terrorist leader. Israeli civilians ok, palestian terrorist leader who orders deaths of those civilians not ok. Got it. :rolleyes:
You’re a fucking idiot, but I’m sure you’re expressing the proper sentiment among your progressive little cohort. Asshole. Wheelchair filled with hateful old jackass one second, bloodstain on the highway the next. Yet my eyes remain strangely untearful.
Next, hmmmm, hard to say, but since they’re “on a roll” anyway, Chirac would be nice.