This ought to be a quick and painless thread. Who sings the song that strings a bunch of ones and zeros together. It’d consider it a modern/alternative rock song, something you’d probably hear at a music festival. Needless to say, I can’t really search for it!
It’s off of their Robot Hive: Exodus album.
I went into this thread thinking the song in question was “The Body Electric” by Rush, off of their “Grace Under Pressure” album. They sing it as “one zero zero one zero zero one” (73 decimal).
Is the number in the OP title the actual number used in the song? It translates to the number 5049, which doesn’t seem to have any significance that I know of.
“Flight of the Conchords” has a song in which they go, “BINARY SOLO” and then start singing “100101010101”.
They’re pretending to be alien robots from the future or something.
Thanks guys, I’m heading over to YouTube now! I think the Clutch version is the one I was thinking of.
Nope, I didn’t know what the actual order was, which is why I couldn’t search for it. :smack:
From the future, where the humans are dead.
“Affirmative – I poked one, it was dead.”
The peppy, people-pleasin’ group Up with Bynars!
The Clutch song is “10001110101”. I figured out what it was in decimal once, but I’m too lazy to do it again. (I seem to remember not finding it significant.)
ETA: I forgot to say, “cool song, though.”
- It’s pretty clearly chosen for the way it sounds when sung rather than any numerical significance.
Robot Hive/Exodus is an incredible album, so if you like “10001110101” it’s well worth checking out.
With Binary Solo
Starts at 3:18
Oops. (Yes, I was that guy who didn’t watch the entire link :o )
Definitely. Check out Blast Tyrant as well. Good stuff.