Whole milk or skim milk?

Which do you prefer? I like the real stuff. Skim milk tastes watered down to me.

I agree. I love whole milk, but too much fat so I stick with skim milk and suffer.

Whole Milk!!! But I drink Skim. Whole is too fatty.

You haven’t lived until you have had milk right from the cow. Ok, not RIGHT from the cow. My friend owned a dairy farm, and I loved going to her house. She’d give me a big glass of milk fresh from the night before, it was like drinking creme. That’s one of my happiest memories. :slight_smile:

I prefer skim milk. I used to drink 2% all the time but then I switched to skim and haven’t looked back. I don’t mind drinking 2% sometimes but Homo milk tastes real weird to me.

Silly! THAT stuff is for Esprix, Otto, NTG, Sqrl and the like. I saw an add in the paper that seemed targeted at lesbians. It said “Milk $1.99 gal homo”. Seemed to be an exclusive market.

I love whole milk, but until recently I hadn’t tasted it in years. Once you get used to skim (for health reasons) it is better not to taste the real stuff, makes it hard to go back.

A few weeks ago I went to a new latte place, and ordered my usual latte with skim milk. I’m driving away, thinking “boy, they really do a good job on these! I’m going to have to come here all the time!” Took me awhile to realize that they had made it with whole milk instead of skim. It took me a few weeks to get used to skim again.


Definatly skim. Whole tastes so fatty and like it has been sitting out for a long time. Plus it’s a lot better for you.

I like soy milk.
I don’t believe, and some May disagree with me; that cows milk is for calves.

If it weren’t for the fat, I’d be drinking whole milk all the time. I did in college. I switched to 2% after that. Now I’m down to 1%. I can’t drink skim (chalkwater). I can drink the Skim “plus” stuff (or whatever they call it), but can’t find it around here.

I don’t buy milk often. If I do, then I feel compelled to buy cereal. That is bad news; I’ll go through a box a day, mostly late at night.

When I do drink it, I prefer 1%. Can handle 1/2% okay, but not out-and-out skim. I also tend to drink it over ice.

I wish I could hang with soy milk, but I just can’t. C’est la vie.

Definitely skim. I grew up on it and whole tastes weird to me.

Neither: I use 2% for general purposes. (Note: I never drink a glass of milk unless it’s accompanied by a bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough.) It’s fine for cereal, most cooking, etc.

It’s fine for cereal and most cooking. I love whole milk, but save it for when the taste makes a difference. I’d rather use 2% for stuff I’m not tasting a whole lot anyway and then luxuriate in heavy cream, etc. where it counts.

Since I’m not a milk drinker, by the glass, maybe makes a difference. But to me skim milk is just nasty, chalky water. It’s just too attenuated and removed from its true form to be useful.


I drink the flavor-enhanced 1% milk. It tastes like whole milk but is still 1%. This is the milk David B. was referring to.

Skim milk is for the birds. Then again, at the rate I drink milk(about 2 gallons a week), I may end up downgrading to 1%, for health reasons. Currently, 2% is my favorite choice. Whole milk tastes GREAT, but it’s too unhealthy.

Can’t resist: To live is Christ, to drink 2% is to gain.

I drink heavy cream. Having to buy it in those little half-pints is sooooo annoying, though.

Okay. Sorry. I don’t drink milk often enough that I worry about the amounts of fat in it, so I stick with whole. I have fond memories of the creaminess of the milk in France…I also drink more milk when I’m in the midwest. The stuff on the grocery shelves in Chicago (from Wisconsin, I assume) has a better flavor than the milk from the Jersey/Long Island dairies that goes into NYC.

For the past few years I’ve been buying organic milk…it has a creaminess approaching the Chicago standard, if not quite up to Paris. A good mouth-feel, with a clean finish.

None of that pasteurized, homogenized, vitamin added stuff either.

Gimme my lactaid milk any day. Damn lactose tolerants!

2% all the way