Who's up for a ChiDopeLunch this Friday?

Please join magdalene, porcupine, and yours truly at the Berghoff standup bar on Adams in downtown Chicago Friday, 12/22, at 2 p.m. for some end of the workweek pre-holiday cheer. (We did say 2 p.m., didn’t we?)

Oh, sure… wait until AFTER tiggeril leaves Chicago for the holidays, then have gathering. Feh.


Have a gathering. I guess I should be careful when throwing "feh"s around.

Surely you don’t think we chose the date accidently!
Hozabout you exercise your initiative to set up a post holiday date?
Remember, you ain’t gonna do it without your fehs on.

I am pretty sure I will still be able to make it. Should know for sure by Wednesday. I need a day off, particularly after all the crap going on around here the last couple of weeks. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhh!

Did we say 2. I thought we were starting at noon. :slight_smile: And is this liquid lunch or real lunch? Not that I care…

Noon works just as well for me. You and maggie work out what is best for you and let the rest of us know. An earlier time give me an excuse to blow off a workout! They serve sammiches, but I’ll be drinking (and standing a few rounds, I assume. And I don’t buy anyone soda or iced tea in a bar!)

1 p.m. or 2 works a bit better for me, I need to work in the a.m., but then I will be free the whole afternoon!

So, will the three most indecisive people of the SDMB pick a time today? Tune in later today.

I can’t wait to see you guys. :D!

Let’s split the difference and say 1:30. By then the lunch crowd should be cleared. Dinsy (can I call you Dinsy), if I get there before mag, look for someone vaguely resembling the porcupine image on the People Pages, but with curlier, lighter hair and no glasses.

1:30 it is.


Porcupine, you shall have no trouble spotting Dinsdale. He will be the handsomest guy in the place.

Damn, maggie. I didn’t realize you were toasted before we met last time!
We’ll meet by the cig machine, okay?

Oh I see magdalene, you’re just assuming I won’t show up;), thereby giving Dinsdale the default victory!
Well, I probably can’t make it but if a miracle occurs, I’ll let you all know
[sub]let out of work early!!?!! I’d buy lottery tickets![/sub]

Didn’t we establish last time that there IS no cigarette machine? We’ll meet by the door, silly.

MikeG, you gotta come! I didn’t get to talk about IR geek stuff enough at ChiDope.

If we’re not starting til 1:30, we should still be going at dinner time, right? So MikeG, getyerass there as soon as you can.

<sticking nose firmly in the air>

Well, if SOME people are going to be there then I suppose I SHAN’T.

It’s either that or because I work Friday. Okay, it’s really because I work Friday and can’t get downtown in time. But if I WANTED to be snotty I COULD! :wink:


Tho I have no objections about the current 2-1 ratio favoring the distaff (hell, let’s make it greater), allow me to mention the wide selection of seasonal brews on tap.

I definitely will be taking the day off Friday. We just shipped an Alpha of our software to our customer late yesterday, which means the pressure has eased up and I can take the day off.

Dinsdale, two fabulous DoperBabes isn’t enough for you? :wink:

Anyone else joining us?