Who's your Super Bowl Pick?

You forgot The Puppy Bowl option.

I have to bet on my Steelers – I’d be a traitor otherwise. But I cannot say for certain – I don’t want to jinx it. (I’m really superstitious when it comes to sports)

Nothing you do will affect the outcome, sheesh!

That’s because it will all come down to me wearing my lucky Packers Jersey. :smiley:

The line is about getting the most bets, not who is going to win.

I have a huge mancrush on Dom Capers and think he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread, the wheel, and fire combined. I like to think that he will have a gameplan to take advantage of the weaknesses in Steelers offense to shore up that iffy run defense. I’m worried that the Steelers will be able to control the game by running the ball, and counting on Dom to be able to contain the run, as well as stop jerkwad from extending plays.

Packers will win.

Pittsburgh 20, Green Bay 14.

To be clear, this poll is about who we think probably will win, not who we would like to win, correct?

I don’t know enough to have an informed opinion on that. For whom we’re rooting for, though, I like both teams, but I like Pittsburgh better (comes of having family in western PA), so that’s the way I’ll be rooting.

The line is about getting the most bets while getting people to bet equivalent value on both teams. The favorite is usually the better team. Though -2.5 on a neutral field is not really favored. I did notice that it dropped to -2 on USA TODAY’s listings, indicating that more people are betting on Pittsburgh. I bet it will approach even or Pitt -1 before kickoff.

Pittsburgh will win. I have spoken.

Full disclosure, I’m a Packer fan.

If GB and Pitt’s season-long numbers really are that close, then I’m happier with the Packers’ chances than I was before. The Packers were downright mediocre the first half of the season, before they had filled in all the injury gaps. I know “momentum” is imaginary, and I know it’s a mistake to read too much into the most recent N games. And I know Big Ben was suspended early in the year for his youthful indiscretions, but Pitt was winning anyway and they aren’t really a QB-driven team.

Long story short, I’d be interested to see the comparison since, say, Thanksgiving or so.

I think the Packers will be able to grip it and rip it in Dallas. If they can score a few TDs quickly, which I’ve seen them do against good teams, the running game is less of a concern. My biggest concern is that McCarthy will try to go into ball-control mode and let them back into the game, like he did against Philly and Chicago. If they keep slinging it around like they did in Atlanta, attempting to run just enough to keep the D honest, that’s a scary-good offense against anyone.

Pack by 7.

Packers, just because they seem to be an indoor dome team (as seen in their thrashing of Atlanta). But both these teams are very similar - good QBs who can make things happen on the move, long-bomb threats at WR, stifling defense. Should be a very close game.

Green Bay. Just a feeling.

And Pittsburgh fans can take heart from the fact that my predictions for this year’s playoffs have been abyssmal.

I *want *the Packers to win.

I don’t have stats or facts to back up my opinion, but that’s where I stand.

I despise the nastystinkycheatingdirtyrotten “Stillers”. Their fans can’t even pronounce the team name correctly, so they deserve the big let down.


I do. I asked my Magic 8-ball twice if the Steelers would win. The first time it came back with “Ask again later.” I waited 20 minutes (I didn’t want to piss the thing off) and got “Signs point to yes.”

So there you go. Facts and stats to support my position that the Steelers will win.


The way I see it, the only question is whether the Steelers keep it close or get blown out.

This is about as definitive as it can get. The Magic 8 Ball is never wrong.

Just out of curiosity, why do you think the Steelers will get blown out? The Bears held that powerful offense to 2 touchdowns. (the defense scored on that short interception in the 4th quarter. ) The Bears 3rd string QB put 14 points on the board against their defense.

I just don’t see a Packer blowout.

Largely because of the field conditions and weather.

I voted for Pittsburgh, which should be quite a relief to all you Packers fans.

If I root for a team that’s it for them.

What’s funny is that one poster here will actually consider this in his excuse if his team loses… again.

I’ll be happy with just a well fought game but a Pack victory might also elicit something approximating a smile from me.

Go good guys.

Although I hate the Steelers more than I’ve ever hated anything, I never bet against them.

E., Packers fan pro tempore