Yep, eventually it boils down to this: you and me are going to die and everything and anything that we have accomplished and accumulated in this lifetime in the ordinary sense is going to be lost.
If you really come to know and understand that you’re going to die (and eventually we’re all going to lie down on that same couch and wait for the “angel of death” to take us) it then begins to dawn on you that nothing in this lifetime, whether it be material, emotional or mental, is of any real ultimate value.
But it’s difficult to realize this when things are so exciting, especially on TV. A semi-illumination usually comes to folks when they’re propped up on one of those hospital beds with air tubes up their nose and an I.V. dripping morphine into their veins. At this point they come to appreciate what’s been going on for the past 60, 70, 80+ years, which now, sadly, seems like it was only a few fleeting moments.
The sad truth is that at this point the realization dawns that everything you’ve accomplished or left behind or even passed on in this life is going to be lost. Your heirs will die, and eventually, after many, many generations the entire race will die. Ultimately, the entire planet will be obliterated.
Everything comes to nothing in this world; this may sound trite, but hey, if your body is going to die anyway, and it’s close to a 100% certainly that it is, then your attention is now free to lift itself from the body, and the things of the body, the material, mental and emotional possessions, and become free to settle itself onto what can be accomplished that might be of any value.
What generally happens to people is that at the end of the lifetime, if they have done nothing to prepare, they find themselves fighting for one more day, one more hour, one more minute, just one more breath…
That’s the basis of life as we are taught to live it, not to mention the hardwiring: a fixation for survival into the future.
You know, even if you accomplished the most amazing thing in this world, won the Tour de France 16 times, became President of the USA, became enormously rich with billions of dollars, were a world-admired rock star, hit 92 home runs in a season, if you penetrate with your vision, say 50 million years into the future, and look back on it and ask yourself what you have accomplished, you’ll then see from this perspective what it really means to be alive.
The question you would be asking yourself is: What is it that I could have accomplished in the lifetime 50 million years ago that would mean something now? This is the question which opens the doorway to the only real mystery of life, and anyone with a genuine answer to this question has in his possession the key to life itself.