Why can't we say "Band Name"?

It’s less a Jr. Mod thing than a Dave Barry geek thing. Apparently Dave himself has asked for people to stop the practice because even he is sick of it. Good luck, Dave.

Whether the catchphrases that spring up around here are “trite” or “overdone” is purely a subjective opinion, poster-by-poster. Me, I don’t mind them – and “band name!” is definitely still in the cool column.

There’s folks who adopt pet names, glom onto in-group ritual and tradition, and embrace the trappings of group identification and there’s other folks who’ll shun all that stuff. (No cite, just an observation). Dope appears to have some of each type. Looks like a place that has room for both.

Interesting, given that his site is still accepting candiates.

Good ones. You know, I love the doper cliches. It gives us a way to put our cleverness to good use, namely trying to see how to fit in one them.

For example, how do we get to use the batman one?

  1. You know who would be able to come up with the perfect band name? Batman. If he was prepared.


  1. Band name: The Prepared Batmen.


  1. Hi Opal
    It’s not that easy.

You mean Knuckle-Dragging Junior Mods.
Hey, band name!!!

Hmmm. I stand corrected. I thought that I read that here a couple of times. It looks like the site is collecting interesting real band names though. I had understood that Dave was tired of the “BAND NAME” shout out thing.