Why close 9/11 wreckage thread mod?

You shouldn’t be “debating something here” in About This Message Board, neither.

I realize you didn’t start your thread here – you put it in Great Debates, where it was likewise not appropriate because you wanted … what? Looks like you wanted to argue on why your thread was closed.

I note Tomndebb’s last post in the thread in question – I’m assuming made just before the thread was closed.


Or did you not see that posting?

Because believing that Jesus is the Messiah would require me to believe there is a supreme being that created everything and is personally involved in the lives of everyone on Earth. Since I don’t believe in such a being, a messiah is not required.

Whoa. No.

Take that discussion somewhere else.

Any more hijacking and I will close this thread as well.

Just for the record, this thread has been nominated for a Stundie over at the James Randi forums. (The Stundies are their awards for the most idiotic forum posts on the web.)

Starts at post #90.

The OP has included any and all conspiracy theories under the umbrella of this thread. If he asks questions, I’m going to respond. Might as well close it now.

How do you know that Jesus wasn’t a member of the Illuminati?

OMG you’re through the looking glass now. The illuminati make our money. The money says “In God We Trust”. Jesus is God. How could’ve I been so blind?

That claim is objectively untrue, by the way.

Here’s something to think about: you had to know the mods would close your zombie thread, (I can cite the SDMB rules here just as you would cite some obscure government memo) but you posted it anyway. Clearly, therefore, you are part of the conspiracy yourself.

Yet you’ve claimed you “didn’t know” about well-established policy. Why then is it hard for you to accept that the authorities at Pearl Harbor didn’t know about MUCH more fragmentary evidence hinting at Japanese plans? People make mistakes and assumptions all the time, even important and famous people.

I think this is going to get closed in a few minutes, but just to quote from tomndebb’s last post in the original thread:

The thread was just too crazy to live.

Since 1999.

I’m not saying don’t have that discussion, just take it to a more appropriate forum, not About This Message Board.

Now that’s it’s been moved, this isn’t the thread to debate this in.

Just saw Tuba’s instructions, so definitely not here.

Sorry, thought this was in GD. Found his other omnibus CT thread.

It was. I moved it to ATMB earlier this morning.

The Old Ones smite us, this I know,
For the Necronomicon tells me so.
Little ones to Cthulhu belong,
Will be slayed to make him strong!

The real question that needs to be answered here is:


The answers to the questions posed by the OP are: no, no, no, yes, no, Tuesdays only, no, tastes like chicken, yes, yes, yes, down the hall, first left, second right, no, yes, no, yes, divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived, no, no, no, a thousand times no, I was a Flower of the mountain yes when I put the rose in my hair like the Andalusian girls used or shall I wear a red yes and how he kissed me under the Moorish wall and I thought well as well him as another and then I asked him with my eyes to ask again yes and then he asked me would I yes to say yes my mountain flower and first I put my arms around him yes and drew him down to me so he could feel my breasts all perfume yes and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes

Well put.

Yes. Penny is really hawt, and it was mulligatawny.