Why do allow threads that are just unverifiable stories?

There’s a bunch of threads around right now in the BBQ Pit that clearly never happened, people just want to start funny Pit threads. I thought you had to have a Cite, and you were “Fighting Ignorance”? Why do you allow “stories” that can’t be verified and that sound like total BS? And why don’t moderators step in and close them because they’re obviously false?


Somebody took a shit in the elevator at a science laboratory.
Some secretary in a business office called someone else fat in Pig latin so she could hear it.
Some drunk guy drove down the street at 90MPH and destroyed this guy’s car by running it over in his driveway.
Trick-or-treaters in Australia.


Please provide proof of your royalty. And if yours is a constitutional monarchy, not an absolute monarchy, then I will just have to blow a raspberry in your general direction.

Yesterday morning my car wouldn’t start. I got a jump, drove into work, and had to get another jump from a co-worker to drive to my other grandparents’ place (where I left my car). After work my mother came to pick me up from work, drive me to my grandparents’, and give me a THIRD jump so I could drive it to the shop.

This morning I borrowed grampa’s truck to go to work. When I parked the truck I tried to stick my parking permit between the side window and the weatherstripping, but it slipped through and now rests in the bottom of the door. I knew I should’ve brought Scotch tape with me. :frowning:

When I left work I tried to start grampa’s truck…and the damn thing wouldn’t start.


Called AAA, waited an hour, started getting frostbite, ran into a store a block and a half away to call my other grandparents to come with a warm car while I waited for the tow…and the stupid tow truck showed while I was in the store. Got my fourth jump start in two days.

Now I have gramma and grampa’s spare car. If something happens to gramma and grampa’s car while it is in my possession I shall call myself cursed and move to NYC so I can take mass transit.

I bet you’re wondering what my point is, aren’t you, King Nifty.

If you are not willing to take what’s happened to me over the last two days at face value - to take my word for it - you will not last long on these boards. What’ll it take for you to believe what I said? Want me to mail my car shop bill and tow receipt to you? Will that do it? Or will you accuse me of faking the paperwork?

Oh wow. I dunno what to say. You’ve caught me out, dude. I was telling big fibs about my kids doing ‘Trick and Treating’ here in Australia. I couldn’t think of anything else to add to the thread, and wanting to help the OP maintain the conspiracy, I LIED…OMG, I am so going to hell for that!

King Nifty, what IS your problem mate? Why would I bother to lie? Why have you doubted the veracity of the stories here? I think you have a few issues that you need to address before you go accusing folks of lying…:rolleyes:

Yeah, right.


They’d all fall off, you silly geese!

You ain’t puttin’ one over on me, no sir!

First of all, we don’t allow unverifiable events in every forum. GQ and GD aren’t the place for anecdotal evidence. If you’re a stickler for facts, then you should limit you SDMB participation to those forums.

Second, the stories you cited are not easily verified, but so what? No one’s submitting them as evidence to an argument. They’re conversation, shared examples of everyday occurrences. There’s no need to prove they happened. Take the forum descriptions as a clue: MPSIMS-- everyday chatter. The Pit-- for flaming. What about those says anything about factual information?

Likewise, there’s no need to take the attitude you are towards them. Unless you’ve been given reason to suspect the stories are phony, calling someone a liar is the poorest way to respond to an OP, and you should not be surprised that your remarks are getting the response they are getting.

You know, I’m not entirely sure that you’re wondering about this. I’d like to see a cite.

Captain Amazing, I’m not sure you actually posted the above message. Thus, I demand proof that it was actually you at the keyboard typing those words.

And if that proof comes in the form of little green pieces of paper with pictures of presidents, let me let you know that I’m particularly fond of Ben Franklin.


There is no Fenris - he’s only one of my many sockpuppets. Dance, my little puppet! Dance! Bwahahahahaha!

You know, I think it’s a clear violation of the don’t be a jerk [extra word omitted] rule to go into threads and say nothing but “THIS ISN’T TRUE!”


NOW you’ve done it.

Didn’t you know that Rule Number One of being Head-Puppeteer of the Unspeakable Sock-Puppet Legions of DOOM is that you NEVER speak of the Unspeakable Sock-Puppet Legions of DOOM?

Now you’ve blown my cover!

Fenris (Argyle)

None of you exist. These are just words my computer puts on my monitor to amuse me.
The King Nifty one isn’t working.

[ Channeling the French ]
You don’t frighten us, Nifty pig-dog! Go and boil your bottom, son of a silly person. I blow my nose on you, so-called Nifty-king, you and your silly posting kiniggets.
[ / Channeling the French ]

Welcome to the SDMB Nifty King - if that is who you truly are! (cue music - dah dah dummmm!!!)


{Firesign Theater Voice}

Benjamin Franklin…the only President of the United States…who was never…President of the United States…

{/Firesign Theater Voice}

Ok. this Ukulele Ike one made me smile. The Fenris one usualy makes me laugh. I wonder why my computer makes ones like the King Nifty one tho. And why do I bother typing out these messages. Hmmm…

I wonder if the OP was looking for an actual answer or was simply looking to stir the pot? If so, wrong forum, go now.

Ok. this Ukulele Ike one made me smile. The Fenris one usualy makes me laugh. I wonder why my computer makes ones like the King Nifty one tho. And why do I bother typing out these messages. Hmmm…

I want a pony.

How do I provide a cite for that?

I think you’re ALL LYING!!!

How do I KNOW you want a pony? HUH???


(I love you guys. Sorry, I don’t have a site for that.)

It’s all part of my secret crap agenda, Queen Nifty. You have found me out…

:: wiping what he hopes is egg off his face ::

lighten up