Why do black men have such large members?

Or perhaps by doing it in a very uncomfortable place?

Huh. I thought it was penii. Well, I gues you learn something new everyday. And here we learn that my Latin is rusty.


I find it oxymoronic that the title of the OP used the word “member”, although the poster is a Guest… Okay, I know it’s not really an oxymoron, but it sounds good in this context :slight_smile:

I am a little cynical here, but I’m getting suspicious of Guest postings these days, especially when this one in particular has only three postings and this is his first day.

Guess you haven’t seen me in the shower yet.

  1. I’m sure that there is no difference. It’s a myth, inspired by the media, or someone else - who knows? I think it’s fun for us to contemplate that sort of thing, and it doesn’t really hurt black men’s image, so why should they complain?

  2. Porn is not real.

  3. A large, humungous, giant penis is not going to bring the groceries home. (Dear Og, I hope not). This is not usually the only reason a woman is going with a man. If a woman is with a man solely because of his penis size, regardless of his other traits, then perhaps that woman is only interested in one thing!

  4. This is not meant to be an insult, but perhaps the problem lies with you. If you’re very insecure about your penis size it shows in your personality. I, for example, like fairly confident men.

It’s not white men that have small genitals, Morlagan.

It’s just you. Seriously. Almost all white men are 8+ inches. Everyone else in this thread is just trying to make you feel better about it.

I’d be worried, personally. It’s a scientific fact that heterosexual women only think about penis size when it comes to choosing a partner, so you’re in real danger of being alone for the rest of your life. I know it’s true, I read it on the Internet. Twice. I really recommend you see a doctor about it.

Now that’s an interesting mental picture!

Please let this thread be moved to the Pit.

I rather liked it myself. I’m glad to see it lured you out of lurk mode. :slight_smile:

Just to answer the specific question “why”, my guess would be evolution. The interesting question would be whether African men have the same rate of honking shlongs as African Americans.

As to why the wimmin are running to the black men, I would suggest (in order of probability), 1) You ain’t no catch, 2) They treat their women like a man should, 3) Better musculature and looks perhaps?, 4) Honking Shlongs-R-Us.

But this is OK?

I am under the impression that black men comprise a high proportion of the US prison population. Obviously you would know more about that than I do. If I’m correct, wouldn’t that account for your observation above?

I wouldn’t be here if my Mom’s father couldn’t shake his tail like a mad man–so you might not want to knock it. Every woman I know would love a man who will dance with her.
And there is no dance gene–so you have no excuse not to be just as good.

I’d say this one has been answered about as well as it’s gonna be.

Closed, before it goes even further afield.

samclem GQ moderator