Why do I sneeze after every orgasm?

At least you only sneeze. I know people who fart and people who pee. :frowning:

Link to column: Why do I sneeze after every orgasm? – CKDH

My ex-wife and I used to both sneeze right after, and sometimes in the later stages of, sex. It’s not uncommon at all, as I’ve known a couple of other women who did. I probably still do, but I don’t remember. :wink:
Anyway, we asked the baby doctor about it and he said it might be from tiny cappilaries bursting in the nose. Could be, because I’d sometimes see tiny amounts of dilute blood when I’d blow my nose. Afterward.

Uncontrollable giggler here. It’s not every time, just about every third one from intercourse or similar activities. It always requires an explanation the first time.
The pointing’s more controlled, of course. :wink:

Oh shit. My sneezing fits are usually after eating something. Food. Get your mind out of the gutter :smiley:
Does that mean subconciously I like food better than sex? :eek:

I’ll tell ya one thing, a cheeseburger doesn’t want to cuddle afterward.

Well, the real trick is to learn how to make it happen the other way around.
Aaahhh-Choooo! :stuck_out_tongue:

Of course, my post above was actually in reference to the OP, not the quote I cited.

Man, this Quick Reply really F*cks me up…

Here is the obligatory column-link.

My favorite part of this column was:

Is this Cecil suggesting that afflicted persons employ a controlled substance? :dubious: Well, this is the Straight Dope after all…

ouryL, it’s helpful to other readers if you provide a link to the Column you’re discussing. AmbushBug was very helpful, but it’s 8 posts down, so I’ve edited a link into your OP. Yes, it’s on the front page now, but in a few days it will vanish into the Archives, and it saves future readers lots of search time (and potential aggravation) if you just provide the link up front. No biggie, you’ll remember for next time.

Quick reply? What’s that?
Dang. I was going to ask my doctor about post coital sneezing and I forgot.
She’s probably sick of my sick questions anyway. :wink:
But I feel it probably is burst capillaries. Pretty unsexy, I know, but it makes sense.
Where are the doctors on the SDMB when you need them?

My toes crack.

My first girlfriend picked up on this thirty years ago, and it has remained the same ever since. My toes curl, and the knuckles crack.

So, the original questioner ended the question with a sneeze. What was she doing while writing her letter? :eek: (And was she dictating the letter? Thinking about this is a bit like the scene in Holy Grail with the cave wall and Castle Aaaarggh.)

I’m just thinking how lucky her partners to have a passive marker. If she’s not sneezing, they know they’re doing something wrong.

IIRC there was an antidepressant that when people were on it, would orgasm whilst sneezing. Apparently the two are related in the brain.

I’m still deciding whether that would be a good thing or a bad thing.

There was a reason for the 18th-century snuff craze, y’know.

From The Dartmouth Online, America’s Oldest College Newspaper, Founded 1799
Tuesday, January 25, 2005: Female arousal explained in ‘pleasure’ lecture series (By Jennifer Gafinkel, The Dartmouth Staff)

Hi, I’m still an FNG. Second time. Be nice. I’m learning.

BTW is this place only free for 30 days or what? What’s the “Subscribe” button mean? I’m afraid to push it, I hate pushing people’s buttons. Especially when I don’t know what’s going to happen after I push it. With burned hands.

Ignorance is Bliss and Knowledge becomes Paranoia.
Paranoia’s a dysfunction only if there’s no evidence or witnesses. It doesn’t matter to me if anyone believes me or not…I know what’s happened.

Anyway, here’s something strange that may tie sneezing after orgasm, together.

When a person sneezes, they are usually, (in high incidence rates) blessed by another, asking God to watch out after you even, as in, “God bless you.” It’s been shortened to “Bless you.” Found even as far back as Ancient Toga Greece, when people had more time on their hands they used more words and God was brought up in speech more kindly, too. ANYWAY, the reason for the Blessing, is because everyone knew back then that when a person sneezed, it was a Spirit going past the tiny cilia of the nose. The cilia are there for a reason, to guard the nose and let you know there’s movement going up the nose. A Human Level Conscious Atom would ripple cilia especially if the hairs are longer or they are more sensitive, or the Atom knocks into them. That’s the shortest route to Brain Control, the Pineal Gland where the Atom Sized Spirit (Buddha/Physics) that we all are, resides, to direct the Life of the Body. Which then explains why in Genesis, Jacob wrestled with an Angle til dawn, and in the morning he had a different name, and his brother didn’t want to kill him any more, and he limped now. The really, really, interesting thing about all this is, in two verses, where it happened, was by Penuel and Peniel. Same place, two spellings six vss. later, different guy. The Pineal Gland is “The Seventh Chakra, where the Higher Spirit resides.”

This is like over in II Kings, a dead body is thrown into the grave of Elisha, and then comes to life and walks out of the grave. And of course, Jesus threw demons out of People. It’s all over in the Bible. Used to be victims were known to be demon possessed, nowadays they get medicated for being “Bi-Polar.” What else would “BI - POLAR” mean??? I heard, one third of Americans are. I don’t know about that, but it seems to occur in everyone I’ve met, and me included. That’s how I know. That’s how I recognize a few major Disincarnate Guys.

This is helpful information for People that have onsets of physical ailments and wonder why, or wonder why they did the things they did, or have missing time, or have a need for cocaine, or alcohol, or women suddenly feel like gay men, or men do. (I know they’re going to read this and get upset. (Side Note: I’m old, you don’t scare me any more.)

Anyway, a person has the right to allow another Atom-sized Human Conscious Spirit into their brain to help control the body, or not. The better of the two choices, is to NOT. They’re going to be gone soon, where are you going to be? Money ain’t everything, I live in a hallow log, and I’m ok.

This Invitation to have Disincarnate Spirits is done by the masses voluntarily during rituals including the drinking of pretend blood and the eating of pretend flesh and then invite another Spirit, even a Ghost, into their lives, bodies, whatever, to use. Opens the door to anyone that wants to come in.

The Point is, there are Spirits that can jump into any body at any time. These two particular ones like sex, romance, cocaine, the spot light, being in control, running things, getting what they want, and fun. Until the fun runs out. Then they leave. They’re all over the place. I turn on the TV and there they are, or something they wrote, or did.

And when I put together your sneezing and orgasm connection, I says to myself. Oh. I know why that’s happening. Come for the sex and leave.

{side note blurb "Hi, how ya doing. Who’s checking my ports? Stop it. I still have another month.}

I knew it when Pam Anderson said, “I feel like I have a gay man in me.”
That matched what I knew of the Reptile, basically masculine wears women’s bodies, they both do, like Britney and Madonna, Hiltons, and the Shiek Prince, and are lovers, Hollywood weddings, whatever. And they come and go everywhere. Do as they please, the two most powerful spirits on earth jumping into any body at any time. You should ask if any of the Glitzy, sneeze after sex? Or before a show. Ask Pamela.

So, hate to be weird or anything, or step on anyone’s toes that can ban me at any time, but maybe this might help someone that wonders why they did things they shouldn’t have, or wouldn’t have normally. These guys, though lots of fun, sex, romance, glamour, spotlights, cocaine, alcohol, whatever, High Life, aren’t really out to do much for the People they inhabit. They’re out to have a good time. And they sure don’t want anyone to know what’s going on.

Only took me 42 years to figure it out. I got better with age and the ability to accept the unacceptable. I know these guys like the back o’ me hand. And I usually insult or upset them. They always come after me in Forums. I can hardly wait to see if this post upsets anyone. I got my password taken at the last forum I was in. For only two nights of writing there. Sigh.

These two don’t have to wait to die to leave one body and jump into another. Some call them “Walk-ins” they’re called all kinds of things. I’ve put it as nicely as I possibly can. But they ARE called other things. Mostly not nice things. Since they’re trying to drag everyone else down with them.

And then of course, it could be any other disincarnate Spirit that knows how to fly up the nose to get to the Pineal Gland. And it might not be this at all. But I thought you should have as many diverse possibilities to finding your answer. Just want to help.

Sorry you asked?
I know I’ll probably be sorry for replying.

MM12, yes, you get 30 days free and then it’s pay up. These boards cost money to run, and that money must come from somewhere.
You can read about subscription and membership here: "http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=253315

Dear MM12, please try to focus more on the topic of the column and leave the more outlandish theories for another forum. If you want to discuss them in another forum, I would be prepared to cite sources / background for the ideas you are proposing.

When I say “another forum”, I mean another forum at this Message Board, if you really want to continue on the topic spirits / cilia / pineal glands. e.g. MPSIMS or Great Debates or IMHO.