Why do people like things that I don't?

Are they stupid?


I know exactly what you mean. I’ve never been able to understand the immense popularity of that thing or that movie or that band.

And how about that guy who gets all the attention. Doesn’t anyone understand that he has no talent? Or that he’s not good looking? Or that he’s not to my taste?

Quite frankly, the other thing is much better, the other movie is much more entertaining, and the other band makes much better music.

The sooner that people understand this, the better the world will be.

If I don’t like something, then it must be trash. Anyone who disagrees or likes said something must be a moron.

It depends; if you are objectively right, which I suspect you are, then yes they are stupid and wrong.

Hey, Lego! Chill out and have some of this chopped chicken liver, you’ll love it, I made it fresh today.

And how about a nice cold glass of buttermilk to go with?

The Simpsons provides the answer again:

Homer: Two hours? Why’d they build this ghost town so far away?
Lisa: Because they discovered gold right over there!
Homer: It’s because they’re stupid, that’s why. That’s why everybody does everything.
And also quite appropriate for the favored Pit topic as of late:

Hank Scorpio: By the way, Homer, what’s your least favorite country? Italy or France?
Homer: France.
[Scorpio adjusts a giant laser cannon pointing towards the sky]
Hank Scorpio: Heh heh heh. Nobody ever says Italy…


Obviously you like the wrong things. In the case of the obscure things, it’s probably because you’re not sophisticated enough to understand them. With the popular things you don’t like, it’s more that you’re too cynical to appreciate them. In any case, you’re completely hopeless and should probably be shot.

They like things that you don’t like that I don’t like because they’re stupid.

They like things that you don’t like that I like because you are stupid.

I hope that clears it all up.

They actually all like the things you like. They just say they don’t like them to mess with your mind. The best way around this is to claim you like the things you don’t like, whilst secretly liking the things you despise. Simple really.
Cheers, Bippy

While we’re at it, why do people say things that offend me? Why do they take the time before they speak to come up with things that they KNOW will hurt my feelings. Why do people sit at home and run different phrases or stories or insults through their head, coming up with the one that will most affect me personally?

It’s because they are all posers and have no taste. They obviously haven’t looked into the history of those things closley enough to get an informed opinion. Plus Corporate America tells them to.

I blame the media.

Legomancer’s Location, suggests that he may have made a bad decision or two at some time in the past. Barring objective evidence of a change, it is more reasonable to assume that he continues in cluelessness; unless he actually LIKES hanging out in a Vat of Nutritive Fluid.

I hope you brought enough for everyone.

There’s all these channels on my TV that I never watch. Isn’t that a huge waste? Why are they there?

Maybe you are the stupid one.
Think about it. Everybody else is watching that tv program but you. Maybe you are too stupid to enjoy it.
By the way, have you slept next to that pod I gave you yet?

'cause it’s like, if too many people like something, well there like won’t be enough of that thing to go around. Like what if everyone like, liked the buttermilk stuff and like, we all ate it and then like, there would be no more of it and like, that would be a bad thing. Or like what if like nobody liked a thing you like and like, there would be so like, much of it you would like, drown in it or something and like, that would be bad too. Or like, what if like, like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like …

[sub]I hope that clears it up [/sub]

why do they do things different? I really don’t care that they are so stupid that they like different things, but what’s really stupid is they don’t live their lives the same way.

How can anyone be a happy and fullfilled person if they don’t make the same choices I do?

They don’t like the same things you do?


They should be reported at once. The Department of Homogenous Population Re-education will want to collect them immediately.