Why do so many people dislike Omarosa.

She’s easy on the eyes, but that is about it, and that’s probably what she has relied on for most of her life. I think most people say she is one of the laziest persons they have ever worked with. I dislike her as much as I do Trump, they seem so similar in every way, putting on airs, perhaps believing their own crap.

On one Celebrity Apprentice episode, there was a very small piece, and I do remember a very small piece of sheetrock, that fell on her head, and IIRC, she’s claiming concussion. I think she took some time off, but comes back, and again, relying on my memory, but I believe the words she uses is that she was a “real trooper” to come back from her injury.

She’s such a dishonest person in every way; not to be trusted.

Here’s my hot take on Omarosa and why I … well I don’t hate her, but I don’t like her, nor would I have any sympathy for if she ends up on the short end of the stick either. I digress.

Here’s the thing … I promise you I never watched a single second of any iteration of The Apprentice. My icy, black heart had soured on reality TV after the first season of Survivor. I had seen only a few clips of a few things here and there, but only by accident. I never sought to know anything about a ridiculous television show I would never watch in a million years anyway. So the only thing I knew about Omarosa, via media osmosis, was her first name and what a bitch/drama queen/phony/diva/etc. she was. So color me surprised when she shows up with a job in the White House. It’s the sort of point in the administration, one of many, where I actively questioned my own sanity, wondering if I was trapped in some sort of Idiocracy dream.

But … whaddayagonnado? Did anyone expect Trump to take the job seriously? I’m fucking shocked Kanye West doesn’t have a position yet.

Color me completely unsurprised when Omarosa, the aforementioned bitch/drama queen/phony/diva/etc flips a bitch on Trump. Again, how can anyone with eyes and ears and even a passing knowledge of what’s been on the TeeVee, expect anything different. Of course she was going to turn the three ring circus into a five ring extravaganza with extra clowns.

I long for the days where I could be outraged at the government without being embarrassed.

You didn’t see Trump’s version?

Go to youtube and watch her recent interview on the Today show with Savannah Guthrie. That should tell you all you need to know about her quality.

Her name is kinda ugly. Sounds like some exotic disease, or something. That’s all I got.

“Sorry, man. I can’t play squash with you today. Got a wicked flare-up of my Omarosa!”

All I can say is they deserve each other. Trump, especially, deserves her. The country hired a huckster reality show “star” and he dragged along same, female version, with him to the WH. The only question is: is he really that stupid, politically? (Don’t answer that.)

Randy Rainbow’s newest video seemed to be a good thing to ad to this thread. Enjoy!

Makes you wonder about Michael Clarke Duncan’s untimely death, I mean they did date after all.:eek:

reads thread

So, basically she’s a black woman who acts like a white man–yeah, I can see how that wouldn’t play well in certain circles.

[quote=“Merneith, post:16, topic:819880”]

Did you all see the clip of her saying that everyone would have to bow down before President Trump? Because that’s why she was hired: she’s the kind of person who can say shit like that without gagging or giggling. That’s also why normal people despise her.


Seriously, that clip is amazing.

Without watching the show and just paying attention to pop culture I thought at first she was just putting on an act to play the game. Her further grasps at fame changed my mind. It’s an act when she’s trying to act normal and nice.

Read Kevin Pollock’s book or find a video where he is talking about Duncan. Apparently his experience was not unique. Duncan was not a very good person.

A specific reprehensible white man. If she acted like Mr. Rodgers then we wouldn’t be here posting.

She is one of many, many reprehensible people who work or worked for this administration. She made some weird comments about Trump punishing his enemies once he was elected which is undemocratic and just very weird. She seemed to fit right in with the Trump cast of malfeasants who are wholly unqualified for the jobs they hold/held. I hate her about as much as any of the people associated with this president.

OTOH, she just released a video of Michael Cohen boarding the campaign plane, dated September 21, 2016 - right in the middle of the Daniels payment situation. Whatever she is, she’s really damn good at it.


I’m not familiar with her reality TV career. I suspect that the public perceives her to be extremely opportunistic. Having ridden the Trump gravy train for as long as her ticket lasted, she now sees an opportunity on the other side of the fence and is trying to cash in again, this time as a leader of the anti-Trump movement.

That type of thing doesn’t go over well.

Uh, what? Just picking the direct ways she’s been described in this thread: Greedy, grasping, dishonest, lazy, venal, narcissistic, famous for being famous leech, loud mouth trouble maker who has a over-inflated sense of superiority.

Do you mean to tell me that you think these words describe all white men?