Why do you hate Enterprise?

After *TNG[i/], this is the best version of *Star Trek[i/] to date. So why do people hate it so much?

Look at it objectively: *TOS[i/] was thinly-veiled 60s allegory, *DS5[i/] was a never-ending serial, and *Voyager[i/]–despite a killer concept and first-rate characters–just never got the good scripts. *Enterprise[i/] is built around the most innovative idea yet: Making hard decisions with no precedents and no one there to guide them.

Bakula is nobody’s Olivier, but *Star Trek[i/] has an unbroken tradition of hammy scenery-chewers in the Captain’s Chair, and my favorite running gag is that Archer and Trip look like such total rubes whenever they make first contact with another civilization–and then have to earn their respect.

Why the pointless hostility? this is a great show, dammit!

It is boring.

I agree with CalH. I find it really boring. And there’s not a single character I’m particularly fond of. Voyager wasn’t great but I liked the characters. I liked Bakula on Quatum Leap and Murphy Brown but find him boring on this show. I will also [shallowly] admit that I also don’t find any of the male characters cute enough to watch just for the eye candy…

Who cares if others hate Enterprise? It’s been renewed for another season! Woo Hoo!!!

I am resigning myself to the fact that next season will be its last season (Friday nights is apparently a death knell) but oh well. We’ll get four seasons. That’s not too bad.

And I like it. I think it’s entertaining. I like all the characters. There’s not one character that I don’t like. (But my favorites are Phlox and Trip.)

:wink: Yes, I’m shallow too, because I know what you are talking about.

Though, you know, I can’t think of any Star Trek show that had guys that were that cute! Let me see—TOS had, who? I mean, I loved Kirk and Spock but I wouldn’t call them “cute.” TNG had, who? Riker? Nope. Wesley? No. Picard? Distinguished, yes, cute, no. Voyager? Well, I always had a yen for Chakotay (sp?). DS9? I’m not sure, I didn’t watch it enough. Enterprise has Trip, who is as cute as a button, but I still didn’t watch the show for the first two seasons. (I have been working on catching up.)

Fans don’t like having their fondness for a series taken advantage of just so Paramount can earn a few more buxx. That’s pretty much what it comes down to.

Granted, maybe the series has improved, but I’ll never know. Because I tried it, and it was crap. Now I watch The Shield.

I ***like ** * Enterprise and consider it my third favorite Trek series but your OP leaves me befuddled. The best version? Over DS9 and TNG? What? Voyager has first rate characters? Huh? Enterprise is innovative when it’s ripping off the same thing that made DS9 so great? What are you on?

Kirk and Spock weren’t really cute but I was totally in love with Spock from age 7 to maybe 13. :slight_smile: Riker was actually kinda attactive (if smarmy) before he porked up so much; by that time, I decided Picard was a lot more attractive anyway. I thought Bashir was pretty cute to start with and then DS9 started getting really interesting. On Voyager, I’d always liked Robbie Beltran (Chakotay) and I also liked Tom Paris. But those guys kinda caught the infamous mid-series pork-up as well.

On Enterprise, I had the worst trouble telling Trip and Malcolm apart. For some reason, both those guys look really similar to me (until they start talking). You know, granted this is a product of my obsessive brain, but I think a little slash factor would really help the show. Not a lot, just a cute guy and enough hints to keep the fan girls happy. (yeah, I’m really am that shallow)

Why do I hate Enterprise?

Because Archer and Trip look like such total rubes every time they make first contact with another civilization.

T’Pol really, really gets on my nerves. I find her completely unconvincing as a Vulcan. I dislike what they’ve done with the Vulcans in general.

I like Phlox. But I haven’t watched for quite some time.

Two reasons for hating the show:

  1. boring, recycled plots, nothing new.

2)That song.

I like the song :slight_smile:

I think what someone once said in a thread long ago about this enterprise that sets it apart from the others (especially TNG) is that it’s just a story and nothing more…there’s a problem, Archer grimaces, there’s some cool special effects, they solve the problem, next episode…

That same person said that TNG was so big because it was all about choice - every episode there were difficult choices to be made and consequences. But you don’t really see that anymore, although I think the series is improving.

TNG had a rough first year as I recall.

And second. And the last season was pretty hit or miss.

I fail to see the reason to get into arguments over questions of TASTE!

Look, either you like it enough to watch or you don’t.

But they had Tasha Yar. It was great.

For me, it was a big Meh. I tried it, I really did. I watched TOS as a child (in syndication, I’m not that old), watched TNG and DS9 from the beginning, and I don’t think Voyager was as bad as everyone says.

I tried to get into Enterprise, I really did. But none of the characters sucked me in. I gave up. I actually tried to watch it tonight, but I realized there was no way I could do it. You know how it is when you’re eating and you pick up that final forkful, look at it, and realize there is just no way in hell you can eat another bite? That’s how I am with Enterprise. I feel like I’ve lost a good friend.

Does this mean I have to give back my Bajoran earring?

Your communicator too.

The first season was dull because it was just more of the same. It has improved this season, and if they keep it up then I will keep watching it. Although I do think moving it to Friday is a bad idea. Also, I’m not hung up on the continuity like some fans, unless it is painfully glaring. Also if they can justify the changes in continuity without resorting to the reset button, I’ll be fine with it.

It isn’t a great show but it is better than Voyager. Not that that’s a compliment or anything. I’ll sum up my dislike for the show in three words. Temporal cold war. I had high expectations for this show but they ruined it for me after the first episode.
