Why does Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger always look unshaven?

Even in his wedding photo. Is it just some aspect of the way his skin photographs, or is he really going around with a 5 o’clock shadow all the time.

I shave every day and I always look stubbly. Somewhere in between Big Ben and Hugh Laurie as House. Maybe I’m just not doing it properly…:confused:

Roethlisberger and Richard Nixon - how many degrees of separation?

Some guys have incredibly fast-growing facial hair.

Fred Flintstone!

Ben is just so manly his stubble cuts the razors.

I myself avoid this problem by shaving with sharpened diamond blades.

I’ve always wondered about guys with permanent beard stubble.

How do they do it? If they shave every other day then they’d sill occasionally be clean shaven. If they shave once a week then they’d have a heavier beard sometimes and other times stubble. Plus they’d still be clean shaven once a week.

Beats the heck out of me. I recall a few years ago the permanent beard stubble was the fad. But I don’t know how they did it.

I’ve seen celebrities with permanent stubble that somehow never got photographed clean shaven.

I had a scraggly long beard for five years. My mountain man look was pretty intimidating. Then as a state employee my beard was neatly, and closely trimmed for 15 years. I’ve been clean shaven for the past ten years. Never wanted the stubble look. That looks like you’re too lazy to shave.

That’s easy, aceplace57. A fast-growing beard will show stubble within a matter of hours; before I surrendered and grew a beard*, I would have noticeable stubble by mid-afternoon when I shaved first thing in the morning.

So, to get effectively ‘always on’ stubble, just shave daily, right before bed. :slight_smile: Unless the paparazzi are sneaking into your bedroom, they’ll never manage to catch you totally clean-shaven.

*Diamonds are freaking expensive!

A lot of men maintain that look by shaving with a beard trimmer - it’s not as close a shave as a razor, so there’s always stubble, but it’s a much cleaner look than not trimming the hair at all for a few days.

ISTR at the height of the Don Johnson stubble fad they were selling comb-like attachments for ordinary electric shavers (Remington, et al) which held the cutters just far enough off the face to ensure a stubbly result.

I’m like SCSmmons. Stubble by nightfall every day. When I’m doing office work I always keep a razor & blades in my desk for a mid-day touchup before going to see the great grand-boss or meet customers. Mine was blond (now gray) so it wasn’t/isn’t as obvious as more swarthy sorts. But it was still a bit scruffy looking by day’s end.