Why Dude? There's a Denny's just down the street!


Everybody with Athlete’s Foot Fungus gets a free side o’mushrooms!

Can you believe it? He fried them up. Think of the cholesterol. Some people. Just no concern for their health.

Ew! Bosda, honey, you should have mentioned that, … ew!


You wanted fries with that, instead?

Heh. People never fail to blow my mind.

Well, to tell you the honest truth, if you need more protein in your diet, the most easily assimilable stuff is the human kind.

“What’s for dinner honey?”

“My foot.”

That’s absolutely disgusting. He could’ve at least marinated them in some spices first.

No offense, but I’m about to call bullshit on this. Why do so many of these wacky news stories never have any more specifics than “an Austrian man”? What, they couldn’t get his name? Eating your own toes doesn’t make you notorious enough to warrant identification?

Also, I don’t think huffing butane would make one so out of it that they were willing to eat their own toes – yet not so out of it that it hindered their ability to cook on a stove.

Denny’s? Why, I’d rather gnaw on my foot then…

I said 'tater TOTS! with a T!

What’s the big deal? I’ve often eaten Fritos.

Oh, you said “freed toes.”

Never mind. :slight_smile:

What? You guys have never heard of Toe Jam?

Next time, buy the Cheetos before you get high!

(This message is brought to you by Frito-Lay)