Why furry dice?

And I don’t mean why on earth would you want them in your vehicle which I will just put down to general lack of taste.

But what’s the significance of these thingies you hang from the car mirror. Dice don’t seem to be specifically car related items. The only thing I can think of is that they may signify luck and that they’re furry and soft so you don’t bang your head on 'm in case they didn’t help much and your car crashed.

Perhaps there is a completely obvious answer, but I can’t think of it.

Without fuzzy dice, ones ‘ship of love’ would not be ready to attack.

See The Encyclopedia of Bad Taste, which has a page-long entry on the thingsL:


IIRC, it’s supposed to show that you’re a gambler type, and fun-loving.
When they first enter the cockpit of the Millenium Falcon in the 1977 Star wars, Chewie bumps up against a pair of dice suspended from something (presumably not a rear-view mirror). They’re not fuzzy, and you never see them again, but they’re undoubtedly there. It might be a Lucas nod to American Grafitti.

They are the testicles of Bizarro cattle.

Everything is cuter when it’s furry.

Yeah, 6 sided dice are so last century, time to upgrade:


Don’t forget, you also need bongos in the back.

My dice came with my truck. No dice, no truck.
My truck was my late step-father’s, and my nephew gave him the dice for xmas one year. And he put them in the truck, tacky or not. So the dice stay.
Besides, I like them anyway :).

Luck, I think. Why fuzzy? Because they’re huge and you don’t want them to break your nose if ever they decide to vacate their home on the rearview mirror.