Because OMG a Black Conservative consistently refuses to put his money where his mouth is.
I actually am not interested in betting him money that Obama will win the election. I’m interested in shaming him (and risking shaming myself) by offering to bet that the loser will put something embarrassing in his sig line, something along the lines of “I was embarrassingly wrong about the 2012 election, pretending to have confidence in an outcome that did not happen” and there’s been a remarkable lack of interest in this bet. I wonder why?
Great, just what an obvious troll needs, a whole thread dedicated to him. For fuck’s sake people, how much more blatant does a troll need to get? :rolleyes:
This is only among your many beliefs that are incorrect.
You’ll need someone more confident than I am in Obama’s re-election to bet his future posting on it, tempting as it is in the event that OMG ABC loses.
Obviously more blatant, seeing as he’s not been banned.
He may be here to stir things up, but I do think he really is a conservative. He just lacks the courage of his convictions. That isn’t too unusual for a non-religious conservative, as many of them believe as they do out of fear.
Because I don’t care about getting some meaningless internet gratification about being right about the election any more than it would bother me that someone I’ve never met and will probably never would get some gratification out of me being wrong. The world still would turn and life would go on.
I know, I don’t think there’s really a God that you can meaningfully invoke with the phrase “Oh My God” either.
Anyway, I don’t get this whole betting thing. I never bet about anything no matter how sure I am. I don’t see why refusing to bet would be a hint that I don’t believe what I’m saying – it’s just not who I am. Is there some reason he’s given to believe that OMG bets on other things?
Yeah, whoever’s wrong will have to live with four years of a President they dread and the resulting consequences; that’s a greater punishment than any silly bet, ISTM.
ETA: Then again, it’s quite possible that the winner ends up suffering those consequences, and the loser ends up benefiting from them…
Well, to be fair, I was willing to bet this one chick on here who said that abortions would be illegal in South (maybe it was North) Dakota come mid-Summer. But that was only because the assertion was laughable on its face and had 0% of actually coming true.
Not familiar with the details of your courageous almost-wager, but was it only the mid-summer timeline that rendered the idea laughable? Each of the Dakotas has a single functioning abortion clinic, North Dakota has passed a law proclaiming their intent to ban abortion to the fullest extent the Constitution will allow, and South Dakota is one of four states that has announced its intention to ban abortion outright if Roe v. Wade is overturned.
So yeah, summer came and went and abortion is still (barely) available in those states, but it certainly isn’t for their lack of trying.
If he was sincere, I think he’d leap to take my bet. In fact, since the wording is up to him, he has more control over the terms than I do. But he would never agree. You need to ask yourself why.