Why I don't trust Liberals/Democrats

Just because. :smiley:

countdown to be moved to IMHO…

10, 9, 8, 7…

This is not a good thing.

What is not a good thing? Not trusting liberals on principal alone or mistakingly posting my opinion in the great debates forum?

Countdown to when Stoidela (who started the “Why I don’t trust Conservatives/Republicans” thread) will be over here rambling something incoherent…


Here’s a third: This thread is an obvious response to another thread that is unworthy of the spirit of this board, IMHO.

That doesn’t make this one worthwhile. What’s the point of revenge games? Attack stupidity, don’t emulate it.

You allude to some spirit of nobility on this board that this thread is apparently unworthy of. I beg to differ that there is a lot of garbage on this board that this thread fits very nicely within. I think this thread fits into the characterof this board just fine. :slight_smile:

The exception proves the rule. It’s you thread, have fun with it, but I’m outta here.

I’m waiting for someone to give some acutal reasons why they don’t trust liberals/Democrats, ones that don’t amount to the same kind of stereotypes that folks were complaining about on the other thread.


We won’t.
That’s why we’re so much better than they are.


Being conservative, and reserved by nature, I don’t offer unsolicited opinions, and live by the general rule that if you can’t say something nice about someone…

“Mostly Harmless :p”