Why is Advent Children releasing so much later in the US?

Grr, it’s out everywhere else including *Canuckistan *of all places. But why is the US so late this time? I wanna see it! The only ones behind us are Mexico. Do we not have a big enough FF-loving contingent?

I started wondering when I heard everyone else talking about seeing it! Anyone know why this would be?

The Canadians have it? Those bastards!

No kidding, I’m so pissed! And they had it since - get this - October 21, 2004.

Note that it simply played at some festival. We don’t actually have it.

with the exception of Japan, which is the country of origin, all the dates before the US are film festivals. If the other countries are like the US, the mass release won’t be for months later for them, either.

Excuse me? You’re complaining that you get it on November 29th?
Want to know when we get it? February. February 20th.
Now I ask you, why the hell does it take two bloody months for it to cross the Atlantic? I mean come on, I can think of many ways to speed up the process (for example, what about tying the reels to a thousand turtles backs, pointing them in the general direction of the UK, and hoping they get there in time for the release date? ) so what kind of reason do the people in charge have for not releasing it here for two months? Does there need to be tinkering between the American and UK versions? Should we expect Cloud to have a bowler hat, umbrella, and suit digitally added? Will he be sipping tea as he battles? Will introspective scenes be accompanied by buttered scones and crumpets?

Hell no. So why the wait?

Heh, this sounds good to me…fighting and then “Let’s stop for tea, shall we?”

Dunno why it’s taking so long. If it released at a film festival last year, it takes a year for Canada film festivals to get it to the US? And no clue on when they’re actually going to release it to the public in Canada?

I’m guessing we’ll get it at the same time as the Americans - we always get things the same day.