Why is Misogyny gaining ground on the board?

There are at least two threads in IMHO specifically designed to splash hate on just one gender and not only is no one objecting to it, they seem to be very popular. Yes in one I’m ashamed to say that I dissed Joan River’s supposedly mean persona and I regret that now.

But this isn’t about politics or personality… it seems like a full hate fest of women and I don’t get it. Are they designed to draw in angry responses? Also, why are they so popular that they are always in the top 20 threads?

Is the board changing? I don’t get it.

Apparently it’s changing so much people don’t actually link to their objects of scorn any more.

We’ve had a bunch of arguments about gender roles and politics and things lately, but I haven’t seen misogyny gaining ground - those arguments are evidence of the opposite. And Joan Rivers may have been a groundbreaking comedian, but these days she’s repetitive, unfunny, and apparently a crappy human being.

I see two threads in IMHO…but they seem to be the exact same subject pretty much.

I think the OP is referring to the “Candidates For Least Favorite Woman” thread (alive and dead). I don’t see it as misogynistic any more than I would see a “Least Favorite Male” would be an example of misandry.

If someone asks me who my least favorite comedian is, and I answer “Carlos Mencia”, that doesn’t mean I’m going to forgo a Patton Oswalt act.

I don’t think this is a recent trend, but I’ve noticed that every time a “I hate tattoos” comment comes up, the disdain seems especially reserved for women who have them- saying things like “It’s so horrible when a women defaces her body that way”. The men with tattoos don’t seem to generate as much disapproval.

And considering that most of the names listed in that thread are just celebrities who’s major crime is being boring or vaguely annoying, I would say that thread is kind of positive about women. Apparently, the worst thing womankind has done is fail to be entertaining. As I type it, that does seem misogynistic in a strange sort of way.

Maybe it’s just simply that there are far more men who are going to be interested in reading and/or responding to a thread about tattoos.

True. It just means you’re a horrible racist.

Hating on Nancy Grace is now misogynistic? Shit. Deep down, even Nancy Grace hates Nancy Grace, there’s just nothing she can do about it short of suicide.

While I agree with you, I think part of it is because, relatively speaking, it’s rare to see a woman in a position of power. Yeah, you have your Thatchers, Clintons, Rices and Pelosis, but overall world leaders tend to be male. The majority of notable women are going to be in the realm of entertainment, so that’s gonna be the likely pool from which candidates are chosen.

I think you’re assuming all guys dislike tattoos on women, and of course that’s wrong. And the comments Turpentine is talking about are fairly common, and they’re possessive and sort of creepy.

People are hating on Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter for their political views, not because they are women.

That’s true. The problem is that dislike that’s rooted in a “real” reason can be expressed in a sexist way.

I’d rather have threads like those instead of “what broad is most bangable?” or “who is ugliest?” Those are much creepier. If they didn’t limit these particular current threads to women, it’d be pretty boring - and male-centric!

It has nothing to do with being a woman. It’s about being an entertainer. If that’s your job then you should, by definition, be entertaining.

#whichwomanistheworstdriveryouknow is trending now on twitter.

It’s quite possible to hate A woman without hating ALL women.
Or to insult A woman without insulting ALL women.

I’m not sure why the tendency by some to link A to B like that. Remove the word ‘women’ and see if you apply it to any other group.

But then, we had an issue with one idiot at our D&D table last month getting on people for referring to a Doom Hag as a “bitch” and carrying on about how he didn’t like people insulting women. :rolleyes: Dude, it’s a fictional creature and it’s trying to kill us…

Yeah, if Hillary Clinton had gotten tattoos like this she would’ve been elected President long ago.

For all we know, she might have them. Notice how we’ve never seen her shirtless… :dubious: