Why is swallowing semen a big part of porn/sexuality?

If you ever watch a porn flick you soon realize that girl swallowing semen is a big part of the sex act, I for one have to admit I do find this kind of a turn on at times. But what the hell is the rationale for this???

This is a WAG, but I think it might subconsciously have something to do with mimicking ejaculating in the vagina. If a guy blows his load in a woman’s minge, she usually doesn’t “spit out” the sperm. It stays there. It is “swallowed” by her uterus. Now, if she swallows, it provides a similar subconscious effect as blowing it in her vagina.

I’m just guessing on this, but I think her consuming the sperm is part of the satisfaction.

Spitting looks contemptuous, while swallowing says “I like it”?

It’s a “dirty” act, means the girl is a real goer, know what I mean? Wink wink, nudge nudge.

It shows that you won’t be expected to cook her dinner afterwards?
I got nuthin. Maybe it just simplifies the cleanup, and eventually just became expected?

Because spitting it out (ptui! ptui!) is a rejection; as if it’s something nasty or dirty. Swallowing is acceptance. The male equivalent would probably be a guy who jumped up and brushed his teeth and gargled after performing oral sex.


Do they usually swallow? Seems like mostly, they sort of play with it, or show it off, or let it kind of…sit there.


Is that an offensive thing for a guy to do? Because I do get up and wash my goatee and rinse out my mouth, but I do it because otherwise my wife won’t kiss me afterwards.

If you’re doing that because it’s the woman’s preference that’s not offensive. If you’re doing it because you think it’s disgusting and leaving her all alone in the bedroom while you’re making gagging noises and gargling - that’s offensive.

Some context and nuance involved there.

Chef, I don’t mind kissing afterwards (whether giving or receiving), although I usually do have a cold bottle of water next to the bed anyway. But if your wife objects to kissing you afterwards (which I find odd, since it’s her own taste, but understandable - but do you object to kissing her after she gives you oral sex?), then I think you’re being considerate. As **Broomstick **said, it’s about context.

TMI alert:
One thing I absolutely HATED, though, there was one man I dated who, when he would finish (or actually, when I finished, I guess), and he pretended to kiss the inside of my thigh but was really wiping his mouth on my skin. For some reason, that bothered me a lot.

Uh oh.

Steve, is that you? :slight_smile:

Uh oh.

It’s because spitters are quitters. :slight_smile:

Huh? In most porn I’ve seen, most guys pull out and “spray” all over her face. (Hello, the “Money Shot?”)


Actually, the whole idea of showing sperm originated with the idea that it shows that the sex was real. If you didn’t see sperm, people thought they were faking (yes, I’m looking at you, Showtime.)

I’ve seen a porn or two in my day, and swallowing sperm is rare because of this.

Why does it turn you on? I agree with the other posters above about acceptance vs. rejection.

Like good cunnilingus, swallowing just isn’t cinematic. But it is attractive, because semen has magical powers.

Gay man here.

My partner always swallows; to spit it out would imply rejection, like there’s something wrong with my cum . . . and therefore wrong with me.

And something else: I like the feeling that a part of me is in his belly; for some reason that turns me on. And I don’t mine kissing, and tasting myself in his mouth.