I have a dsl line and my internet speed is almost always lickity-split. SD however, is completely maddening - no matter WHAT I do, it often takes as long as 2-4 MINUTES to get into a thread or post. Is there ANYTHING I can do? I don’t have this problem anywhere except here.
Since this is a question About This Message Board, I’ll move it to the forum we have for question About This Message Board. It’s called About This Message Board.
Off to About This Message Board.
DrMatrix - GQ Moderator
I too have DSL and this board is the slowest page on the net for me. I wonder why too?
This is one of the most frequent questions on the entire Board. The FAQ has some answers, but if the Board is too slow, here is the summary:
- Too many people.
- Not enough server power.
- This is not expected to change as time goes by, except for the worse.
The board speed seems much slower since the introduction of the new format, and its new features, a few months ago. How much of the slowdown, then, is due to things like being able to click on the “thread starter” or by searching the “replies” column?
In a similar vein, someone wrote recently that the act of reading threads is more of a drain on the Board than is posting a new thread. He/she seemed to imply that lengthy threads, in particular, pose a real strain. If this is indeed the case, would it help to limit thread length to, say, one page (and, if need be, accommodate longer threads by linking each of their pages as separate threads)?
Well, I use this board like every day, and it’s never slow for me. I wonder why…
(Hint: It’s one cell down and one to the left.)
I think that was me, and on your second point, I also asked the question of thread length of an Admin once before. The response was that 50-per page has been determined to be an optimal amount for easy reading and use, and therefore they were not interested in changing it at the time. I assume that is likely still the case, but do not know for certain.