Why not 21st Century Fox??

Had the powers-that-be at 20th Century Fox ever considered changing the name of their company to 21st Century Fox?

I heard that some random guy had bought the trademark “21st Century Fox” and planned to sell it to Fox at the turn of the century for a rather large sum of money. So they just stuck with 20th instead when the time came!

Could just be a (rather crap) UL though…

I heard that too. They do use 30th Century Fox at the end of Futurama, maybe they should just go with that.

In one of the *Bathroom Readers * books, supposedly Fox has already gotten the rights to it. No cite though, just something I read.

For real? I thought they became Fox Searchlight Pictures.

Signifying nothing, I wrote a Star Trek fanfic that suggested Twenty-Fourth Century Fox was negotiating “holonovel” rights to a character’s life story, on the unspoken assumption that Paramount would have long gone belly-up by then.

Searchlight is the “independent arm” of 20th Century.

There is a registered trademark of “21st Century Fox”, filed in 1996 by . . . guess who, 20th Century Fox Corp. (See the U.S. Patents and Trademarks Office.)

It’s a strong and instantly recognisable brand. Don’t fix it if it ain’t broke. 2000 AD comic {started in 1977, when most British comic titles lasted a couple of years at best} endured years of speculation as to what the title would change to when the big odometer in the sky clicked over. It’s still called 2000 AD.

FYI, “20th Century Fox” is actually the result of a merger of two companies, 20th Century Pictures and Fox Pictures, in 1935.