Why so bitter?

Yes, I’m talking to you.

Because I like my life like I like my coffee. Bitter. And served in a plastic cup.

My coffee talks to me, too. If I don’t add sugar or cream to it, it screams in my ear “You’ve left me a cold and bitter shell of an caffeinated liguid being!”, for hours after I’ve drank it. Quite bothersome. Just add some sweet n’ low, man.

Anyone thinking of that beer ad Dennis Leary was doing in the UK that took the piss out of those “I’m not bitter” Caffreys’ ads? The one where he said “He’s not bitter…he’s not even conscious!”

Didn’t think so.

More hops in the brewing process.

Because Alfredo sauce is ok plain, but with a bit of pepper it sings!

Why not?

Well, it IS quinine, after all…

I prefer milk cholocate actually

I understand it’s because of all the meat and alcohol in my diet.

Because whoever the guys were in the Netherlands who wrote this esoteric piece of shit programming language I’m stuck using must have done way too many bong hits when they were brainstorming.

Nothing meant against the Dutch. Or bongs. Or bong hits.

An alkaline pH.

It’s the butter in the batter that makes me bitter. Better?

I’m bitter because I LIKE being this way.

I’m not bitter.

I’ll tell you when I’m bitter.

Who the fuck said I was?

I’m not bitter.

I’m just emotionally exhausted and morally bankrupt

“Yup, bit him too”

“cholocate” v. tr. - To determine or specify the position of a piece of chocolate.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

…Well, it all started when I was a little kid…

pulls up a chair

Oh I DO like that one :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: