Wife and Traffic

Nope. No traffic. Sometimes the best part of my day is driving into, and then home from work. It’s hard to explain. Living at 11,200 feet has its moments. Last night, I got no sleep because the dogs kept barking at the moose in the yard. Could be a lot worse.

I think I see your problem right there.

You would think to hear you poncy nannies that a pitting is the internet equivalent of a voodoo doll, and that the person pitted will suffer some tangible pain out of nowhere.

Couples sometimes bitch about each other. Its healthy, and the fact its a few words on a message board instead of to a mate or family member changes not a damn thing. So go suck the dick of some roadkill you moralising fuckwit.

What in the hell kind of map is the OP talking about? I thought he meant something he saw on a TV traffic report, but he says he has this map… The OP isn’t Harry Potter, is he? I told him he should have married Hermione instead of Ginny, and now look.

The refrains only re-state the thematic overview. The grisly, satisfying details are in the choruses.

Then buy another wife.

If she keeps talking on the phone while driving, maybe she won’t be your wife for much longer.

Oh please. Some of us are capable of multitasking just fine. In fact, I’m posting this on my iPhone from the car rig


I don’t think i’ve ever complained about my wife here, but if i did, it would be precisely so that i could vent to strangers about some minor issue that irritates me, but that’s not worth getting into an argument about.

We have (what i believe is) a great marriage, but we still occasionally annoy or frustrate one another with certain habits. My wife doesn’t like the way i lose my temper and swear at inanimate objects like computers and DVD players when they don’t work properly. I sometimes get annoyed at her tendency to start getting ready at the last minute when we’re going out. Neither of these is anything like a deal-breaker in our relationship, and we generally live with them. But i could see myself, on an evening when my wife was still getting ready ten minutes after we were supposed to leave, sitting down at the computer to complain about it on the Dope.

Big fucking deal.

Well, here’s something new. I agree with bucketybuck. Some people on this board bend over backward to assume the worst in people.

My husband nags all the goddamn time. Sometimes it seems like I can’t do anything in his presence without him correcting me in some way. Fucking annoying as hell, but I told him he may retain his right to nag if I can retain my right to whine.

Oh shit, there goes my marriage.

No you can’t multitask. You just think you can. You’re probably a much better driver than average too, I suppose?

When that facebook account changes to “single” I am so…

thats honestly just a joke, don’t get excited (or freaked out for that matter) :slight_smile:

You missed the last few missing letters of that post didnt you?

They made a whoosing sound.

I didn’t get it. I noted the strange use of the word “rig” but had no idea what significance it was supposed to have, and so took the post straightforwardly.

What’s the significance of the word “rig” in this context?

Can I buy an h and a t now please :slight_smile:

It’s not the word “rig” it’s supposed to be “right” as in “I’m texting and driving right now and look how well it’s all going.”

It’s like that urban legend about Candlejack, just don’t say his name on the Straig

Yeah I could have done better with that. Fortunately nobody was hurt in the accident!

So maybe I can’t multitask, but I am a pretty fucking awesome driver!

You couldn’t have done better with that. It was very funny! Don’t mind the folks who are quick to post but slow to read.

I hate that behavior too. I had to ask my wife to stop asking my opinion if she had no intention of taking it. I don’t expect her to do what I say, but there were many times when she wouldn’t event take it into consideration.

She’d ask “Should I do A or B?” I would answer something like “B wouldn’t work at all. You’ll have problems X, Y, and Z. A will work out much better.” She’d immediately say, “I think I’ll do A”.