A recent 50 Something Birthday resulted in my wife giving me some very Queer
Looking Trousers. I immediately protested and declared I would never wear them.
This set-off a slippery-slope effect resulting in her bashing my current day
wardrobe. in her words, “this is 2004 not 1964”. She surmized that because I
was wearing pants with small holes or Paint on them, That I needed an upgrade.
Back to the Pants…They appear to be a Hybrid Denim looking like the bastard
child of Sergio Valente & Jordache. The Pockets have baseball-type piping in
an ocean wave or Lava Lamp effect. She forced me to try them on and as I pulled
them up I felt a wierd sensation in the rear portion of the styled-cut.
Get with it dood, your in your 50’s and married, you can wear whatever and get away with it. Try a sarrong, hippy shirt and sun hat. In no time at all you misses will be begging you to be back in the usual 60’s stuff. Or take up velvet smoking jackets.
What you need to do is equip yourself with several pairs of neat and intact britches that are a closer match to your ideal. That way neither of you need feel any embarassment.
The appropriate remedy for the bastard pants is to wear them around the house. A lot. While living entirely on toasted ham & mustard sandwiches and beet salad. Ever tried to eat beet salad with chopsticks?
Just for clarification, do you mean “queer” as in “strange” or “un-PC name for homosexual person”? I can see how it could read either way, but the latter wouldn’t be the best word choice. You know, fighting ignorance and such.
Ah, I think I know the very type of jeans you are talking about. if it gives you any comfort, I’m 24 and I wopuldn’t wear them. go buy yourself a pair of Snickers workwear trousers and feel manly.
BTW, Mr. Roboto, you are actually allowed to have a line of text wrap on the screen. You needn’t press return every time, nor need you capitalize, for example, pants or hybrid:)
Sounds to me like the OP might be talking about Seven For All Mankind jeans. At least he can take it as a compliment that his wife thinks he looks good in them.
I’ve never worn those, but it doesn’t seem like the lowness of the rise is that drastic. I read somewhere that traditional jeans have a 12-inch front rise, and what I think the OP has, 10 or 10.5 inches. It’s not that big a deal–but on the other hand Sevens are insanely expensive.
Yes, someone please do. I can’t quite envision them. However, please know that most women like their man to be looking somewhat stylish. This may have been enhanced by the many, many fashion related shows which now appear on TV, and a general observation that more and more people are becoming “style conscious.”
Now, I can understand how a woman whose husband has just turned 50 would want him to look sharp, well-put-together, successful. Just as I would like to see my 25 year old husband looking less colligate and more adult. Still, I need to see the jeans. They sound a bit hip-hopish, rather than flattering for a man in his 50s.
So anyway, what’s the matter with a little more style and fewer holes? As long as you don’t go off the deep end, what wrong with looking good?
I wasn’t being uptight. I was giving him the benefit of the doubt. That’s why I formed it as a friendly question, rather than assuming I knew what he was talking about and then laying into him for being homophobic. Given the context and the way he described the pants, he could have meant either, that they’re what a gay man would wear or that they’re strange-looking.
I thought we were here to fight ignorance. I haven’t done my part in the almost five years I’ve been here and figured I’d start now.
[Eric Cartman]Goddammit!![/Cartman] I wasted my 1,000th post on this?!
The OP was oviously born before the adjective queer was co-opted by the GLBT community. There’s nothing ignorant or politically incorrect about using a word to decribe something - especially when one is following the word’s original defintion.