Apropos the MPSIMS thread on the Wikipedia “Human anus” article, did anyone else click through to the Penis article that was mentioned several times in the Wikipedia talk page?
It’s a little hard to judge size without a length reference, and of course compared to my own Holmesian endowment it is but a trifle, but does the accompanying photograph make anyone else feel a little, uh, inadequate?
But the picture I assume you to mean, no. As an uncircumcised penis, it perhaps looks a bit longer than a circumcised one (if that’s what you’re used to seeing), as might the fact that he’s shaved at the top. Otherwise it looks like a fairly regular flacid size.
Their picture of the varying states of erection also doesn’t look to be a particularly impressive member of the species.
That penis looks full of blood, to me. If I have to pee really bad or have recently had an erection it can easily hang to the end of my balls. What a lovely thing to say! Wee!
Actually, any anatomical opening to the environment is referred to as a “meatus”. I enjoy intentionally pronouncing it meat-us instead of me-ate-us just to annoy my doctor wife.
I’m suddenly reminded of the episode of the Golden Girls when Rose tells us that her mother taught her the difference in men and women by showing her the sexual organs of bulls and cows. Dorothy and Blanche ask her if it wasn’t a shock on her wedding night and she said of course.