I’ve this statistic from various second hand sources before, and usually it involves some drunk guy attempting to prove that “all women are sluts”.
So! Is it true? Was a scientific survey (or heck, any survey) ever published that involved a random guy going up to random women and asking them if they wanted to bump uglies?
I’ve been doing my own study for years, and it’s more like these repsonses.
3% YES
15% NO
12% Are you high?
13% Are you drunk?
11% Not if you were the last man on earth, and then I’d try to be a lesbian.
13% Do you want me to call the police?
10% It’ll cost you 50 bucks.
Well the closest thing I’ve ever heard to a survey of this sort would be that Jimmy Kimmel bit on “The Man Show.” But even so there are way to many factors to account for. How do you ask? How do you account for married and otherwise commited women? Are the ladies drunk? Are they really really drunk?
But being what it is I feel quite safe in saying no. “So, you want to have sex?” was the pick-up lines of one of my dad’s buddies back in the 70s. One of those young 20 somethings back then going to parties and whatnot. Even so over the course of doing this only one girl ever said yes and he then chickened out which is why I know about it.
There are a few web sites and newsgroups devoted to “fast seduction,” and I would commend them to you for some thoughts about your question.
IMHO, an average-looking guy can have a pickup success rate of 3-5%. Most PUA’s (pick-up artists) are a bit more subtle than simply asking “wanna have sex,” but honestly, I think that, if done properly, that’s probably about as likely to succeed as any other line.
If you throw enough mud on the wall, some of it’s going to stick.
“Screw the truth!” you say. “I want anecdotal evidence!”
A friend of mine used to work in a bar as bartender. Hence, I was a regular there as were many of our friends. There was this one guy who was also a regular, though not affiliated with our group, who would continually ask women if they would sleep with him.
Invariably, he would go home with some chic every night.
However, this is not to say that 50% of them said yes. Quite the opposite, actually. Por ejemple, he would ask, oh, say, 25 women to go home with him (or back to their place, whatever) for sex, and only one would say yes. So off they’d go.
Now, it’s unfair to say what the score-to-strikeout ratio was, simply because as soon as he scored he’d leave.
If he’d simply said “Thanks, good to know.” and then moved on to the next woman, I think we’d have some good data with which to speculate about an answer to your question.
BUT. It is true that if you want to get laid, don’t want to pay for it (in a traditional, oldest profession sense of the word) and are not too picky, the easiest (p’raps not the best) way to do so is to simply go to a bar or a club or what have you and just start asking every woman you see.
Eventually, one of them will say “Sure, fuck it, why the hell not?”
Just be prepared for statistics as noted in thjckaz’s post.
I’d guess if the random guy was,say George Clooney-he’d have a much better BA than .500,on the other hand (no pun intended) a Pee wee Herman type might have trouble getting that 50% at the Chicken Ranch with a credit card.
Respect the cock! And tame the cunt! Tame it! Take it on headfirst with the skills that I will tech you at work and say no! You will not control me! No! You will not take my soul! No! You will not win this game! Because it’s a game, guys. You want to think it’s not, huh? You want to think it’s not? Go back to the schoolyard and you have that crush on big-titted Mary Jane. Respect the cock. You are embedding this thought. I am the one who’s in charge. I am the one who says yes! No! Now! Here! Because it’s universal, man. It is evolutional. It is anthropological. It is biological. It is animal. We…are…men!
In this big game that we play, life, it’s not what you hope for, it’s not what you deserve, it’s what you take. I’m Frank T.J. Mackey, a master of the muffin and author of the Seduce and Destroy system now available to you on video and audio cassette. Seduce and Destroy will teach you the techniques to have any hardbody blonde just dripping to wet your dock. Bottom line? Language. The magical key to unlocking the female analytical mindset. Tap directly into her hopes, her wants, her fears, her desires, and her sweet little panties. Learn how to make that lady “friend” your sex-starved servant. I don’t care how you look. I don’t care what car you drive. I don’t care what your last bank statement says. Seduce and Destroy produces an instant money-back guarantee trance-like state that will get you this – naughty sauce you want fast. Hey – how many more times do you need to hear the all-too-famous line of ‘I just don’t feel that way about you?’
(Frank Mackey, in Magnolia)
Well, for the record I’m 31 years old and I’ve slept with 100% of the men who’ve ever asked me, which is a grand total of 3 (one of which I married.) Are you implying that makes me a slut? If you are I think something’s iffy with your math. Would I have ever said yes to a random guy in a bar? I’ve never been in that situation but I’m pretty sure I’d say “NO!” That sounds like a good way to get killed and dumped in the river.
The fact of the matter is, the more times you ask the greater your chance of getting a “yes”, AND the greater your chance of getting a “no”. You will however not get a “yes” 100% of the times you don’t ask.
In the original MAS*H novel, Richard Hooker had a character “Me Lay Marston”, so-named because he would go up to every women he saw and ask, “Me lay. You lay?”
His success rate was either 1 in 50 or 1 in 100. (It’s been a long time since I read the book.)
I’d guess that the 50% success rate might be true for women asking men, but I’d suspect the men asking women rate is somewhere around 5%.
On a related note, a recent issue of Rolling Stone had an article about the making of those Girls Gone Wild videos; according to the article, 50% of the women who are asked on the street are willing to flash their breasts on camera for nothing more than a t-shirt. Of the ones who go topless, 50% of them will agree to go bottomless as well.
Another factor is that you would do some subconscious screening when choosing who to ask. By only asking the woman you are attracted to it’s hardly a random sample is it? The only real way to do this experiment would be to ask every woman you see or a randomly selected number from the phone book. Old ones, young ones, big ones, little ones, ones with man bits too, ones who don’t like man bits at all etc etc.
I think it safe to say, your success rate would be low.
Yes. University of Hawaii psychologists Russell Clark and Elaine Hatfield conducted just such an experiment, using an attractive member of the opposite sex as a stooge. While around 50% of either sex agreed to a date, a full 75% of the men, but none of the women, agreed to have sex with the complete stranger.
What? Men and women are different? Dear God, I think I just crapped myself.
Anyway, here’s a summary of that study:
I remember hearing about a famous experimental psychologist who tried this. His name is escaping me right now. I’m pretty sure this was an actual experiment, not an urban legend. IIRC, his success rate was either 3/50 or 3/100. Nowhere near 50%.
Even if 50% of the women agreed to a date with a good-looking but total stranger, what percentage of those do ya think would actually show up for the date or go anywhere? Having some cute guy walk up to you and your friends on a busy campus and asking you out on a date and you giggling “sure” just for fun (since there’d obviously be something strange going on) is much different than actually going someplace or even meeting this weirdo alone after talking to him for 20 seconds and seeing his apparent 1-track mind.