Wimpy journalists in Washington.

There are already many journalists in Washington, reporting on preparations for the inauguration. To a man (or woman), they are whining about the cold . . . some of them whine about it every few minutes, as if they had never experienced temperatures below zero. Damn, get over it; this is what you get paid for. Be glad the inauguration isn’t in North Dakota . . . or Alaska.

Seriously…it’s been DC forever. It was never at any point Miami or San Diego or Honolulu. It’s DC…DC has actual winters. Nothing like Minneapolis or Boston or Buffalo winters, but winters nonetheless.

On the Weather Channel, they said that the average noontime temperature in DC on Inauguration Day has been 37 F. So people should just assume they’ll need a winter coat and hat.

Well, the problem is they’ve got 24/7 coverage going on for an event that’s only a few hours long and won’t start for three days. What the hell else do they have to talk about besides the weather?

I turned NPR off when they said they’d be talking to a caterer about how busy she is for all the parties. Excuse me? You are interrupting someone’s business to “report” on how busy they are during a time when they can be expected to be busy?
W. T. F. ?

Hey, if it’s good enough for William Henry Harrison, then it’s good enough for me.

And let’s hope Obama’s speech isn’t 2 hours long.

And that he wears a coat…

To be fair, the weather in the previous week has been brutal, and unexpectedly so – about 15-20 degrees colder than forecast. Fortunately, that seems to be past, as today was right on the button in the mid-'30’s.
