Not sure which forum to ask this so I will ask it here.
Everytime I click on my ISP’s Icon on my desktop a window comes up and prompts me for my username and password. Right under the password box is a box to save your password. I check it everytime but it NEVER saves my password so I have to type in my username and password every time I want to connect to my provider…anyone know how I might configure windows to save the password and let me connect automatically?
Go to the network applet in the Control Panel and open it. You will see a line that says “Microsoft Network, or Family” logon.
Change it to Windows Logon. You will need your Win95 CD. After it’s installed reboot and after you put in your password, it will allow you to save it.
Then smack your forehead and say “aha!”
You’re welcome.
A seminar on time travel will be held two weeks ago.
I do it a different way:
Set up your machine so that an initial logon is required to boot into Windows. It can be blank or a real password. If you didn’t do this when you ran Windows for the first time, you can reset it by doing a FIND for all files with a .pwl (find: *.pwl) extension, and deleting the one that shows up in C:\Windows. The next time you reboot, you will be prompted to enter a password to log on to Windows. Leave it blank or put in a password if you like. I leave mine blank so anybody can use the machine. When the log on box comes up during boot, type in your Windows password or just leave it blank & hit ENTER if you didn’t put one in to begin with.
Go to Control Panel/Internet Options and select the Connections tab. In the Dial Up Settings list, make sure your preferred Service Provider is hilighted and select Always Dial My Default Connection. Then hit the Settings button and fill in the magic words that your ISP wants to know about (user name & password). If you did it right (and I didn’t leave anything out), your dialup should automatically launch with the username & password filled in whenever your machine tries to access TCP/IP services like dial up communications or most any “online” application.
It’s easier than it sounds… really.
Not remembering dialup PW’s is a bug in W95. I forgot the solution, of course. ight find it at, search for, ‘dialup does not remember passwords’ or try one of these guys solutions.