I had some computer troubles and IT had to do a re-build of my profile. That’s caused a minor glitch that I can’t solve.
I’ve got Windows 7. I have Word and Outlook pinned on my taskbar. If I’ve got more than on document or e-mail open, by hovering the cursor on the app icon, it makes the different docs and e-mails show up above it. I click on the doc or e-mail, and it takes me there.
The irritating thing is that it used to show little icons of the docs or e-mails. Now, it shows a bar for each doc or e-mail, with the name in the bar.
Functionally, it works okay. It’s just an appearance issue. I’d rather have the little icons that
I’m used to, rather than the big bars.
I don’t even know how to phrase my inquiry on Google, so I thought I’d ask you folks.
Any suggestions on how I get my little icons back?
Thanks, but that one explains how to change the size of the icons in the taskbar. I’m trying to change the icons that pop up above the taskbar when I hover over a taskbar icon.
Are you trying to Combine all of the Word windows into one Taskbar instance and all of the Outlook windows into one instance so that they take up less real estate on the taskbar? You may want to try right-clicking on the Taskbar and selecting Properties, then under the Taskbar tab try changing the options between Never Combine, Always Combine, and Sometimes Combine to see if that’s what you’re looking for.
I think biometricks is onto the issue. If the “Taskbar and Start Menu Properties” “Taskbar” tab “Taskbar buttons:” control is set to “Never Combine”, each instance of an open document is a separate icon in the taskbar, surrounded by a little box which might fit the definition of “bar” in OP’s description.
If you switch that control to “Always combine, hide labels”, those icons collapse into the one icon which represents the running program, without labels, and with a pop-up display of miniatures of each document window currently open.