Wishbone's Show and Tell...some of today's finds.

Some have you have seen a lot of them and alot of you have seen some of them. Have at it. None of them are really worth watching but most of them will steal a smile. This one I dedicate to Color Me Badd News Baboon.
I got it at Schwonky’s for $2

This one puzzles me. I can’t figure why they would use that guy from Who’s Line is it Anyway? Anyway, my favorite part is the plane because I always think it is going to fly out of my computer and break my nose(I just had a nose job so I’m real careful.)
Do you have to pee wee?

Here’s another adventure. I especially dig the chick in the glasses. Hummina. Depress me.

Bon appetit!

I should add: These scenes may be unsuitable for some(anal retentive) viewers. SD-13

You have succeded in ignoting the ever living crap outta me.

Good work. :slight_smile:

“It’s princess Leia… the yodel of life…”

Your bound to spend some time here as well, it’s too irresistable. [url="http://www.research.att.com/~mjm/cgi-bin/ttsdemo"Spell and speak.

Oops, Sorry bout that.

Hey, these are cool. Thanks, wishbone.

Banana Boy, in case you didnt see him.

color me Bad news baboon!

gotta love it.

thanks. Now I am gonna have that song stuck in my head,

Man, my NES costed $5, but it came with two controllers and the orange zapper gun.