With a knicknack Googlewhack...

I have one: mandril & piggyback

I am proud because these words are not even that obscure.


Taking a cue from Rico, I tried googol whack but it didn’t work. Googol chimichanga however…

Megapolis crookedly.


cacophonious beatniks

Yes, but posting them here does invalidate them. Once Google indexes this thread none of these will be whacks any more.

Ahh but Google also doesn’t index the SDMB.

Ha! I got me some Googlewhack!


Stigmatic Provolone


Not true.

That is pretty interesting. It looks like it is rating SDMB pages to their historical popularity or something.

However, a regular google search won’t turn that stuff up so it would still be a valid googlewack if the first to find it didn’t register it.

Since you new how to do that search, can you tell us how to specify keywords within the search or something. The search engine for the board is a little fickle.

Corpulent nematicide

Spent a lot of time with nematode, then switched to nematicide and got it on my first try.

You can type

<yoursearchterm here> site:boards.straightdope.com

into Google, and find out what it comes up with, but I have never had a successful search come up that way. The search as shown above simply tells it to search only the SDMB for search terms. As Shagnasty says, though, a straight Google search won’t show those results.

I’m not sure exactly what you’re asking for, but I get those results from the following search string:

It tells it to search the specific domain “boards.straightdope.com” for the string “sdmb”. That was kind of cheating but it makes the point that Google does in fact index this board. Oddly, if I do the same domain search for “Cecil” I only get 2 hits. The same domain searches for “1920”, “1920s”, and “1920’s” (as in “1920’s style raygun”) turn up no results. Searching for “Opal” also turns up no results. Strange… This discussion might be worth a new thread.

I’m fairly certain that SDMB has it set up to not allow searches, via a robots.txt file. Perhaps at one point this exclusion wasn’t set up, or something slipped through the cracks in the very early phases of the board, and that’s why there’s search results. There is information on excluding a site from Google-crawlers here: http://www.google.com/webmasters/3.html#B3

A straight Google of “SDMB” only turns up the main page, but nothing regarding the threads therein. Possibly only the threads are excluded from Google searching, but the main page would contain both Cecil (Ask Cecil Forum) and SDMB (for obvious reasons.)

grunion chamberpot