I’ve been having one heck of an interesting week, and I thought I’d post and share…
When I told my best friend that I was engaged, she screamed “Woohoo!! I’m going to be a bridesmaid!!!”. Note that I said I told my friend that I was engaged… I actually wasn’t thinking in terms of bridesmaids at that point in time. However, I figured that when it came down to it, she would probably have been the person I would have asked, and I let it go at that.
Some time down the track, my best friend starts dating a man she first met a couple of years prior, but has only seen as a friend intermittantly in the meantime. She says to me “Well, you’re 23 and you’re old enough to be engaged. I’m only three years years younger so I figure I’m old enough to get married too. How much difference does three years make?”. Odd conversation. For me, marriage was more about finding Mr. Right than being the right age, but there you go.
Two and a half months into her relationship , she calls me up to announce her engagement. I have inner reservations, but who am I to rain on her parade? I celebrate with her, because she is my friend, and she is happy.
Then, she announces her wedding date. Less than one month before the tentative date I’d set for my own wedding. And she said that I HAD to be her bridesmaid, and wouldn’t it be cool that I would be her bridesmaid, and she would be my matron of honour! Actually, this freaked me out. Did she honestly mean that, on top of the stress and planning and expense of my own wedding, that I would have to help with hers at the same time - and vice versa!?? I pushed my tentative date back one month to try and reduce the rush.
Then, this week, I get an email telling me that a date has been set to go and look at bridesmaids dresses. She says that the date set is the 7th, that this is the only date both the other bridesmaids are free, and that she’ll come and pick me up. Oh, and could I confirm that this date is ok with me? Well, as it turns out, it’s not ok with me. I have something else on, and won’t be able to make it that date. I reply and tell her that I have another commitment, but I’ll see what I can do, that my other engagement is an evening thing so it may work out ok. However, I’m buying time, because I know there is no way I can do both - I have an illness that limits my ability to get around, and if I went shopping with the girls in the morning, I’d wind up too worn out to go to the evening committment. Normally, I may have considered cancelling the evening date, but it’s with a friend who lives OS and is only visiting home for a couple of weeks.
She replies with the following:
Now, this really got my back up. I can’t make it on one shopping trip, and she wants to know if I’m serious about being her bridesmaid? I reply with a terse:
“I’ve already committed to something else for that date, so I can’t go. Sorry.”
The next morning, I open my inbox to the following classic of modern literature:
I was speechless. This was so unfair!! All I’ve done is say I can’t make it on a shopping trip, and she’s acting like I’m hellbent on destroying her wedding. Additionally, it is followed by another email that says
Well, as far as I was concerned, I had done no wrong. Waiting until my temper cooled, I replied:
She answered, and said all she wanted was me to suggest an alternative date, and that was when I blew my top. Following all the stuff about this being the ONLY date when we could all get together, I found it a bit rich when she said she meant no insult, she just wanted me to suggest another date. I told her to forget it, that I didn’t want to be her bridesmaid, and that I didn’t want her to be mine.
So she rang. She was very quiet, subdued, apologetic, and determined to clear up the situation. She told me I’d taken everything wrong. When she said:
she MEANT was my health going to hold out? We had been talking about my health a few days before, and she was just following up on that conversation. I find that hard to believe. She didn’t mention my health anywhere in her email.
She also claimed that the paragraph:
wasn’t meant as the snide comment I took it for, but was a genuine enquiry as to when I would be free to make a shopping date with them. The use of the words “accomodate around you for a simple bridesmaid fitting” weren’t meant to be taken the way I took them, apparently. However, she had no explanation for:
I asked what I’d done to deserve the accusation that I was saying no to everything I was asked to do, and how I’d not shown any interest, and she said she didn’t know what she was thinking when she wrote that, that she didn’t mean it and in fact didn’t remember writing it. Sure.
I’ve made up with her, told her sure, we’ll still be friends, but I’m not being your bridesmaid, and in fact, I’m cancelling my own wedding (12 month postponement). She’s sticking to her guns, that I misread her mail, but I think she was serious when she wrote it, and has suddenly realised how far out of line she was. This is the second time we’ve had a misunderstanding because of the way she’s worded comments in email/chat. I thought the first time that she meant it when she wrote it, but backpedalled when she saw how I reacted, and I think that is what has happened again.
She’s done a lot of other things lately that have ranged from annoying to infuriating, and I find myself wanting to keep a distance from her. Unfortunately, she rings me up to 4 times a day (from work!), and it’s not uncommon for me to spend 2 hours a day on the phone to her. When I’m not on the phone, she’s emailing me, and if I don’t answer, I will find a series of emails that say “Are you there?” “Are you ok?” “Are you mad at me for something?”, etc. It’s like she thinks I spend my whole life online waiting for her to email me. When she was talking to me about this prior engagement I have on the seventh, she actually presented the fact that I hadn’t told her I’d made plans for that date as a reason why it was my fault. If she’d told me to expect a fitting date soon, I may have called and said I was going somewhere on the seventh, but as I knew nothing about it until she had set it up with the other girls, and emailed me as an afterthought, I didn’t tell her I was busy that day. I don’t tell her every single thing I do. I don’t expect her to tell me every last detail of her social life. We don’t even live in the same town, let alone each other’s back pockets.
Thanks for letting me vent. I’m still mad, more so because I gave up smoking this week, and had to fight this war without sweet, sweet tobacco to get me through. I just wanted to ask you guys - Am I being a bitch? Or do I have every right to be upset by her emails? I haven’t exactly been objective or clear-minded this week