Maybe its the cheap CG (probably) or some in-joke only I’m noticing here. I saw a trailer for the GI Joe movie “Valor vs Venom” on Cartoon Network. This piqued my interest because I was a big fan of GI Joe as a kid. They showed a brief shot of Baroness, and…
…Let’s just say she looks like she’s had one too many eclairs. You figure if she’s able to finance Cobra’s operations through her native Euroslavia or whatever backwater country she’s from, she could spring for a little liposuction or something
Ah, the Baroness. The animated subject of many of my earliest pre-pubescent fantasies. While others debated over who was prettier, Scarlett or Lady Jaye, I didn’t want either of those goodie-goodies. Give me the Baroness with her shiny black leather bodysuit, her long black hair, her glasses, her Eurotrash accent, and her bad attitude! Co-BRAAAAAAA!
Ah, the Baroness! The character that made a generation of comics geeks into leather fetishists.
What was the production company thinking?!
And, why didn’t the Moral Majority raise a ruckus? I guess Porky Pig not wearing pants falls into the same catagory…no it doesn’t. Not by an order of magnitude.