Woman charged/convicted of raping a man?

Has a woman ever been charged with or convicted of raping a man?

Assuming you’re wanting to know about American cases, yes.

Also, many women have been charged with the statutory rape of male children.

Sorry. I should hae been more clear. I really only interested in crimes involving adults. Or at least not involving an adult and a minor.

My understanding is that the definition of rape includes forcing someone to perform oral sex, and as you can imagine, it’s happened a few times. As well as taking advantage of men whose flesh was willing but whose spirit was not.

I recall a case where a woman helped a male rapist by restraining his victim. Since she took part in the crime, she was charged with rape even though the victim was female.

I remember this case from April, 2001, but not sure that it quite meets your definitions. Unfortunately, given the nature of the words involved, it’s fairly tough to find a really good cite on it:

A few years ago, a woman around this area was convicted of raping a man. The victim had supposedly molested a young relative of the offender. The woman who was convicted and another woman anally raped the man with a cucumber. I forget what the second woman got charged with, but I’m pretty sure at least one of them is in jail. :eek:

Not to make light of the seriousness of any sexual assault but:

If the events were in that order (stripping first, then alcohol) I have to wonder what was going through this guy’s head while the women were stripping him. Unless this was somehow customary behaviour in his social circle, wouldn’t a gang of women forcibly removing your clothes twig you to the idea that something was amiss?

As I recall, it wasn’t so much that he didn’t want to get laid, he just didn’t want to be forced to have sex for 2-3 days straight. I wish I could find the original article. Maybe I’ll search a little harder.

And not just a Miss, either, but several Misses.

A side note on this: the specific wording of the law may prevent it from being technically possible to commit “rape”, though sexual assault is possible.

It seems Maryland has updated their wording since I looked it up in high school. Any legal eagles know of a state whose code on a strict reading makes the technical crime of rape (other than statutory) impossible for a woman?