I shaved my legs two days ago after MUCH insistence from the SO. Yes, I know my legs were pretty shaggy so he did have a point. Anyway, yesterday my legs were totally smooth without any hint of hairs. But today my legs are stubbly and they itch something fierce! So I guess I should shave every two days - but is that too often?
I greatly prefer waxing, but after the first time, the instructions say that the hair needs to be a quarter of an inch long before waxing again. That takes a while! And I want my legs to be smooth, so I’ve been shaving the past few years.
Is there any way to have my legs smooth all the time without having the shave every single day? It’s such a pain! Maybe I’m missing out on a vital technique (e.g. not going against the grain like I have been)?
Ummm I shave whenever I wear a skirt without pantyhose…so like…once a year? maybe? I hate shaving with a passion. We won’t even discuss underarms in the 3 months of the year I MIGHT wear a tanktop.
I rarely shave. I have really thick hair, too. It sucks. I’m a hairy American of German descent. Oh yeah, am I hairy.
I shave…every month or so during the winter (it sorta stops growing after a while, at least noticeably), and every week or so during the summer…depending on what I’m wearing. If it’s a cooler summer I’ll go longer and just wear pants.
I hate shaving. I do shave my armpits every two days, though - I feel, for some reason, like my deodorant isn’t working if there’s hair in the way. I have no idea why.
Once a week at the most - I just went two weeks and the shagginess was just depressing. I suffer from leg whiskers rather than leg hair, and shaving daily causes severe ingrowns, clogged pores, and painful irritation. When I’m not living off of student loans and charity I plan to get waxed regularly, or possibly resort to electrolysis or laser treatment. I can’t wait to throw the razors away!
I shave every other day. However, it depends on your skin, your blade (make sure it’s sharp), your tolerance, the products you use, and possibly how long you’ve been doing it - since I’ve been doing it this way since I was a teenager, and I used to get minor skin rashes and irritation, I don’t know if my skin got tougher, changed, or I just learned to do it “right”. “Right” is whatever works for you, and YMWV.
I do wish someone would invent some truly permanent hair removal system, though. Then I could just go get the treatment. From the neck down, ta-da! Never shave again! Ban the blade! Heave the wax! Hurl the Nads! Trash the tweezers!
I’ve had the same experience with deodorant and hairy underarms. No idea why either.
I usually wear t-shirts with sleeves long enough to hide the hair and in the winter, I’m a natural lady. That said, I won’t expose my SO to that kind of horror so I shave my pits if I’m getting lucky. If I’m feeling charitable, I’ll shave my legs but only if they’re really bad. As it is now he hasn’t seen me naked in nearly three weeks so I’ve been living in jeans. I’ll shave before then though.
If I wanted smooth legs all the time, I’d have to shave every two days or so with a fresh blade each time. I have very thick dark hair because I’ve been shaving since I was eleven - went behind Mum’s back and shaved them, when I should have listened to her and waited another year before she’d take me to get them waxed. That way, by the time I would be 25, I’d be nigh hairless on the legs. I’m also with Anastasaeon with inventing a permanent painless method of hair removal that took everything bar your eyelashes, brows and scalp hair. Especially toe hair. Yick.
I was under the impression that both laser and electrology will do exactly that. After doing some searching, it seems that the FDA says they may claim “permanent reduction” but not “permanent removal.” Still, seems pretty good.
Shaving has nothing to do with having thick, dark hair. That’s genetic.
From what I can search, waxing over a period of several years can reportedly reduce the density of hair in a given area. So why not start it now? What does being 12 and shaving have to do with it?
Everytime I shower, I shave my legs and under my arms. And I’m not a particularly hairy person. To be honest I could probably get away with doing it only once ever 2 weeks or so, but over the years it’s developed into a routine. I do spend a lot of time in swimmers living close to a beach, and I feel kind of even more exposed, if that makes sense, knowing that i’m not completely smooth.
Having said that, I use a really good shaving oil and apply Cocoa Butter just before I go to bed to stay soft.
I tend to look at it this way: Is there a good chance someone will be stroking my legs? If not, then it can wait 'til the urge strikes me. When I’m seeing someone regularly, I usually shave daily. My hair grows quickly and stubble drives me batty.
As it is, my boyfriend and I are still doing the long-distance thing, so I’ve been slacking since he last was here. Armpits get done frequently, regardless of who I’m around; hair tends to hang on to odors. With my sweaty job, I don’t need the extra stink.
Every time I shower I do the legs and underarms. It’s a habit. I guess I figure that even though it’s a chore, it’s not all that time-consuming or laborious.
I do get the occasional bikini wax.
I swim a lot so maybe I feel the need more.
My hair is dark blonde and fairly profuse.
I don’t, unless I’m dressing up for an event for someone else. The last two times I shaved were last May, when I was a bridesmaid for my sister’s wedding and Easter 2005 when I was my sister’s Confirmation sponsor. My armpits stay hairy as well; I use Arm and Hammer deodorant and the hair doesn’t appear to get in the way.
I started not shaving because I just didn’t give a damn, but now when I shave I feel very prepubescent. I really don’t like the look on myself anymore.
In the summer, once a week – in the winter, I go for months. Months and months and months. Even if I will be getting laid. The hair is fairly light and fine, and I use shave-minimizing lotion from the knees down (the only part I shave, even when I shave).
I thought that it was a standard husbandly duty to shave your wife’s legs for her. I used to do it for both of my wives, they seemed to cut themselves an awful lot.
It doesn’t hurt me, as long as I’m careful where I use it. Legs are fine; armpits, not so much. But it doesn’t get everything, and it leaves me with an ingrown hair problem. Still, I like how long it lasts, so I use that and shave the strays. Daily or when my legs are going to be exposed in the summer, less often in the winter unless I’m seeing someone. Armpits every day, year 'round.